Relevant discourse
“Through moments of tragedy and struggle to liberate ourselves and demand a better country, we have learnt the importance of national unity. Yes, we have learned through it all, that if we bury our tribal, religious and political differences and come together with the spirit of national unity, we can overcome and set this country on the path towards rebuilding and formidable success.”
–Interview with the Malawi Nation, 5 August 2020
“Acknowledging atrocities and dealing with them will help us to heal and ensure that citizens take up their role to safeguard freedom.”
–Public Lecture on Transformative National Values, December 2020
“The space between the Government and the people is the civic space and democracy operates in that space. Where there is no engagement between the Government and its citizens, this space becomes a gap that accommodates speculation, misinformation and innuendos. Our Ministry is here to ensure that this space is substantively occupied with the necessary engagement.”
-Meeting with the Quadria Muslim Association of Malawi, 2020
“Young people, say no to political violence! Be the agents of transformation.”
-Facebook Post, 2 June 2020
Leadership experience
I have discovered that if we are to truly promote inclusion and diversity in our societies, we must amplify our citizens’ voices because they matter most. Such a resolve will often meet fierce resistance from those who benefit when a nation is divided. When my family home and the HRDC offices were petrol bombed during the electoral protests of 2019, I was given a sobering picture of the future of Malawi that was at stake, and I realized that if there was ever a time to remain vigilant in the pursuit of Justice, it was then.
As Malawi’s Minister of Civic Education and National Unity, I am on a mission to foster peace, shared societies and national reconciliation in the wake of a political administration that used the cultural diversities of Malawians as a weapon to foster hate, corruption and nepotism. As such, our Ministry has set up consultative committees and engagement platforms across the country, so that every citizen can take part in public decision-making.