In a letter to Von der Leyen, former European leaders call for decisive action, urging the EU to go beyond fines and implement structural remedies

In a letter to Von der Leyen, former European leaders call for decisive action, urging the EU to go beyond fines and implement structural remedies
The world is in turmoil and existential challenges to humankind, such as global warming, remain inadequately addressed
Democracies worldwide are struggling in an era where digital transformation is shaping how we access and process information. Club de Madrid (CdM) is determined to support all efforts by EU Member States and European institutions to ensure the full respect and implementation of all European...
Open letter: To Heads of State and Government, United Nations Member States: Strengthening the United Nations: A Once...
We appeal to Georgian President, Prime Minister and all Georgian authorities to take the necessary legal steps to make it possible for President Saakashvili to receive medical treatment
Club de Madrid calls upon Tunisian authorities to observe the essence of democratic values, fair judicial process and the rule of law, in respect of his rights and freedoms, as guaranteed to all Tunisian citizens in the country’s constitution
Club de Madrid calls upon Tunisian authorities to observe the essence of democratic values, judicial process and the rule of law and release Member Hammadi Jebali.
The COVID-19 crisis has been like no other in history, affecting every human being on Earth.
The plea has been signed by a number of other prominent female leaders, many of them Members of Club de Madrid,...
Dado el creciente y alarmante deterioro de la práctica democrática en Nicaragua, Club de Madrid hace un llamamiento para que se congele la financiación de organismos internacionales y Bancos Centrales hacia el país.
Less than two per cent of adults are fully vaccinated in low-income countries compared to almost 50 per cent in high income countries.
Provisions in the treaty should include incentives and deterrents to promote compliance, guarantee an effective early warning mechanism during outbreaks, and ensure the timely sharing of epidemiological data.