Mr Sachs delivered the keynote speech 'Inclusive Development as a fundamental element in the implementation of Agenda 2030'. In it, he acknowledged the visionary concept and approach of the Shared Societies Project, a Club de Madrid initiative born in 2007 to support political...
Vicente Fox advocates for a human rights approach to the migration phenomena
The Forum wasco-organized by the Club de Madrid and the Centro Fox with two main goals in the agenda: creating an open and frank room to debate the democratic challenges that Latin America is facing and the need of working towards sustainable Shared Societies. In this sense, the agenda devoted one...
Vicente Fox hosts the Latinamerican Forum for an Inclusive Democracy in Guanajuato, Mexico
This Forum is co-organized by the Club de Madrid and the Centro Fox with two main goals on the agenda: creating an open and frank room to debate the democratic challenges that Latin America is facing and the need of working towards sustainable Shared Societies. In this sense, the agenda will...
“What matters is not whether we can live together… is knowing how to live together”
“Diversity itself is neither a blessing nor a curse. It is simply a reality. The world is a mosaic of countless shades...
PM Birkavs leads Club de Madrid high level mission to Addis Ababa
The final outcome document will establish a detailed roadmap for UNSCR 1325 regional action planning and twinning,...
Carlos Westendorp closes the international seminar “Beyond the crisis: The future of the multilateral system”
In his closing remarks, the former Minister of Foreign Affairs made reference to the transformations occurred on the...
A call to action to build shared societies at the Cities of Migration conference
The meeting proved successful in engaging international city leaders, migration experts and local practitioners in a...
The Club de Madrid highlights the key role of cities in the fight against climate change
The congress gathered participants from local government representatives around the world, and especially from Asia,...
The Club de Madrid in the Tianjian Climate Talks
The Club de Madrid contribution during the Climate Talks facilitated the exchange of experiences with partner...
The Club de Madrid in the Global Clean Energy Forum
The panel was part of the Global Energy Forum (30 September - 1 October in Lisbon, Portugal), where a series of...
COP16 preparatory meeting with Mexican Minister of Foreign Affairs and COP16 President
During the meeting, Minister Espinosa was informed about the work developed by the Global Leadership for Climate...
Club de Madrid to support the most vulnerable countries
During the meeting, convened by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Maldives, Dr. Ahmed Shaheed, the specific needs...