In Yerevan, they will be engaging with humanitarian practitioners, scholars, media professionals and policymakers to discuss effective approaches and reforms for peacekeeping and peacebuilding and the role of economic development in the process. The Aurora Humanitarian Initiative,...
Club de Madrid organizes a Workshop in Nigeria on effective alternative narrative against violent extremism
The National Workshop, funded by European Commission DG DEVCO, will include case studies, thematic roundtables and focused attention on steps towards improving existing practices and policies on delivering alternative narratives to challenge violent extremism. Participants will...
“When women are given the tools, they have a broader impact on eradication of poverty”
The former President of Malawi delivered a powerful speech in which she advocated for women and youth inclusion and empowerment as key actions for African prosperity: “when women are given the tools, they have a broader impact on eradication of poverty”. She highlighted the reduction of maternal...
“Global Leadership for Haiti´s Reconstruction” in the Spanish National TV (TVE)
The G20 is not the UN
Article in Spanish: La Cumbre del G-20 que tiene lugar estos días en Seúl es la primera organizada por un país no...
Club de Madrid welcomes the release of our Honorary Member, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi
We urge the Burmese authorities to allow Daw Suu Kyi to travel, express her views, and participate in political...
Bill Clinton: “The people of Haiti are genuinely committed to reimagining their future, but realizing that future will require public-private partnerships and a sustained commitment”.
Click here to see the Video Message from President Bill Clinton Following the tragic...
Club de Madrid joins the appeal to demand a halt to the execution of Ms. Sakineh Ashtiani.
Members of Club de Madrid: Wim Kok Former Prime Minister of the Netherlands and President of Club de Madrid...
The Mexican Ambassador in Spain meets with the Club de Madrid members to exchange ideas on the next COP16
The Club de Madrid members had the opportunity to discuss with Ambassdor Zermeño the possible ways that the Club de...
A new way for Europe: from Separation to Shared Societies
In the light of recent events and statements in Europe the Club de Madrid is calling for a new and different...
“What matters is not whether we can live together… is knowing how to live together”
“Diversity itself is neither a blessing nor a curse. It is simply a reality. The world is a mosaic of countless shades...
PM Birkavs leads Club de Madrid high level mission to Addis Ababa
The final outcome document will establish a detailed roadmap for UNSCR 1325 regional action planning and twinning,...