Club de Madrid Articles

Club de Madrid High Level Mission to Myanmar ahead of crucial elections

The aim of the mission was to support and encourage an inclusive approach to resolving the challenges of democratization, decentralization and the process of national reconciliation with the ethnic communities. This mission took place just as campaigning for the...

Statements from Club de Madrid Members, González and Piñera, on Leopoldo López

Comunicado de Felipe González Presidente del Gobierno de España (1982-1996) y Miembro del Club de Madrid,    Leopoldo López, preso político de Maduro   Leopoldo López ha sido condenado por Nicolás Maduro, como todos los demás presos políticos...

Ten former presidents and 50 experts tackle the challegues of the Next Generation Democracy in the Americas

Jorge Quiroga, Vicente Fox, Ricardo Lagos, Yves Leterme, Belisario Betancur, César Gaviria, Alejandro Toledo, Luis Alberto Lacalle, Enrique Iglesias and  nominated Club de Madrid Members Laura Chinchilla and Carlos Mesa,...

Juan Manuel Santos and 10 former presidents lead the NGD Roundtable about the future of democracy in the Americas

Beyond the outcomes already reached throughout NGD’s project development, a new debate will be held in which not only the political and social dimensions of the Americas but also the relations between democratic governance and market economy will be the center of the...