Club de Madrid Articles

Migration and Shared Societies in the Dominican Republic

The objective of the Seminar was analyzing the different migratory models from a comprehensive perspective and offering tools to develop a strategy for understanding migration as a tool of economic development and social inclusion. The Seminar has been one of the...

2015 Global Terrorism Index

The report, developed by the Institute for Economics and Peace and based on data from the Global Terrorism Database of START, reveals that just two terrorist groups, ISIL and Boko Haram, are now jointly responsible for 51% of all global fatalities from claimed...

Club de Madrid condemns the extremists attacks in Paris

We extend our deepest condolences to the families of the victims and wish a speedy recovery to those injured. In this new criminal act we stand with the victims, the Authorities and the people of France. Extremism and violence have once again taken its bloody toll. ....

Ban Ki-moon on CVE at the Club de Madrid Policy Dialogue: “Human rights must be at the forefront of our response”

THE SECRETARY-GENERAL REMARKS AT CLUB DE MADRID: “MADRID +10: THE GLOBAL DIALOGUE ON PREVENTING AND COUNTERING VIOLENT EXTREMISM” Madrid, 28 October 2015   I am honoured to be invited to address you on this important and timely topic. The Club de Madrid...