Letter Articles

Open Letter to world leaders: A historic opportunity to achieve global pandemic preparedness and response

The COVID-19 crisis has been like no other in history, affecting every human being on Earth.

Women Leaders Across the World Urge to Protect Afghan Women and Girls

The plea has been signed by a number of other prominent female leaders, many of them Members of Club de Madrid, including Joyce Banda, former President of Malawi, Micheline Calmy-Rey, former President of the Swiss Confederation, Kim Campbell, former Prime Minister of...

Club de Madrid condena la orden de arresto contra el ex Vice-presidente y escritor Sergio Ramírez y pide la urgente aplicación de la Carta Democrática Interamericana a Nicaragua

Dado el creciente y alarmante deterioro de la práctica democrática en Nicaragua, Club de Madrid hace un llamamiento para que se congele la financiación de organismos internacionales y Bancos Centrales hacia el país.

More than 140 former heads of state and Nobel laureates call on candidates for German chancellor to waive intellectual property rules for COVID vaccines

Less than two per cent of adults are fully vaccinated in low-income countries compared to almost 50 per cent in high income countries.

Women Leaders Across the World Urge to Protect Afghan Women and Girls

The plea has been signed by a number of other prominent female leaders, many of them Members of Club de Madrid, including Joyce Banda, former President of Malawi, Micheline Calmy-Rey, former President of the Swiss Confederation, Kim Campbell, former Prime Minister of Canada, Helen Clark, former...

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