Christiana Figueres: Now is the moment when leadership is needed for a climate change agreement

The UN Climate Change authority sent a video message to the Club de Madrid General Assembly gathered in Florence. Figueres clearly stated that “The incorporation of Climate Action into business and investment strategies has redoubled the political will to act”. This commitment to action is an “indicative of a larger trend towards low carbon solutions to real problems”. In that sense, Club de Madrid can play a significant role in mobilizing political will at the national and international levels according to Figueres as “now is the moment to accelerate this trend as leaders are now in Lima to draft a new agreement.” The leadership is more needed than never before as, like she says, “this is our moment, our opportunity to make the new agreement strong and durable not just a five years business plan but a blueprint that cities, countries, companies, investors and individuals can use to bed the emission curb this decade and build a fully climate neutral this century”. The Club de Madrid General Assembly agreed unanimously to support this process and use the convening power of its Members for this purpose.