
Inclusive Leadership and youth participation in Africa, with Timothy Mtambo and Lennon Monyae

We discussed inclusive development and youth participation in Africa with Mr. Timothy Pagonachi Mtambo, former Minister for Civic Education and National Unity in Malawi, and Mr. Lennon Monyae, Youth Liaison Officer and Researcher of the African Peer Review Mechanism. This podcast episode is part of Political Voices for Inclusion, a Club de Madrid initiative, in collaboration with The Charter Project Africa. It is co-funded by the European Union and its contents are the sole responsibility of The Charter Project Africa and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.

Promoviendo el liderazgo inclusivo y la igualdad, con Epsy Campbell

La ex vicepresidenta de Costa Rica Epsy Campbell participa en el podcast 'Democracy in Practice' para explicar su importante labor en la promoción de la inclusión y la igualdad y cuáles son los siguientes pasos a seguir en este sentido. Campbell es la primera mujer afrocostarricense y la segunda mujer afrodescendiente en ocupar un alto cargo como el de vicepresidenta en el continente americano. Actualmente es miembro del Foro Permanente de Afrodescendientes de las Naciones Unidas, desde donde sigue trabajando para promover la igualdad de género y la inclusión de los pueblos afrodescendientes.

Successful approaches to inclusive leadership with Anna Tarhata Basman

Atty. Anna Tarhata S. Basman is currently one of the Deputy Floor Leaders of the Bangsamoro Transition Authority in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao, in the Philippines. Today, reflecting on her own background and experiences, Ms. Basman will share with us her perspective on successful approaches to inclusive leadership. Ms. Basman is a champion of the topic, through her extensive work on the rehabilitation of Marawi as well as through her role as chair on the committee on accounts and the Sub-committee on Disadvantaged.

Pandemic Convention with Barbara Stocking, Chair of the Panel for a Global Public Health Convention

Today we will be discussing with Barbara Stocking, Chair of the Panel for a Global Public Health Convention (PGPHC), the need of creating a global instrument to build a robust global public health system. Over the past 2 years, Club de Madrid (CdM) has worked with the PGPHC to prioritise the reform of the global public health system to ensure a global health architecture capable of preventing future pandemics, while also supporting the recommendations of the Independent Panel for Pandemic Prevention and Response (IPPPR), the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board (GPMB), and others. Specifically, CdM and the PGPHC focused their advocacy on the need for a global treaty, convention, or international agreement and brought this to the decision-making levels in the UN system.

Strategic Relationship between the EU and Latin America and the Caribbean, with Richard Youngs and María Fernanda Espinosa

In this episode of the ‘Democracy in Practice’ series, Richard Youngs, Senior Fellow at Carnegie Europe and María Fernanda Espinosa, Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ecuador and the 73rd President of the United Nations General Assembly, discuss and reflect on the strategic relationship between the European Union and Latin America and the Caribbean, in the context of the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union during the second half of 2023.

International Day of Democracy with Helen Clark and El Orden Mundial

En conmemoración del International Day of Democracy 2022, Helen Clark – Prime Minister of New Zealand (1999-2008) and Member of Club de Madrid – and El Orden Mundial – the world’s most read international affairs online magazine in Spanish – discuss the current state of democracies in a context of simultaneous crises and their possible solutions, as a starting point for the upcoming Club de Madrid Annual Policy Dialogue “Leading a World of Converging Crisis”.

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