
El G-20 se compromete por primera vez a luchar contra la evasión fiscal de los megarricos

2 August, 2024

Por primera vez, los países del G-20 ponen el foco sobre las grandes fortunas y se comprometen a cerrar la brecha de evasión fiscal de los megarricos en una declaración conjunta firmada este jueves en Río de Janeiro

El G-20 se compromete por primera vez a luchar contra la evasión fiscal de los megarricos

2 August, 2024

El ministro de Finanzas de Brasil, donde se celebra la cumbre, anuncia un consenso histórico sobre la tributación internacional de las grandes fortunas

G20 finance ministers agree to work toward effectively taxing the super-rich

2 August, 2024

Finance ministers from leading rich and developing nations have agreed to strive toward effectively taxing the super-rich

G20 agrees to tackle taxation of the super-rich, but forum not yet decided

2 August, 2024

The first-ever joint declaration by G20 finance leaders vowing to cooperate on effectively taxing the world’s largest fortunes on Friday papered over deeper disagreement about the right forum to advance the agenda

Opinion: Making billionaires pay more in taxes is only fair — even millionaires want it

2 August, 2024

Finance ministers of the G20 nations agree that the ultra-rich should pay their fair share

G20 agrees to tackle taxation of the super-rich, but forum not yet decided

2 August, 2024

G20 finance ministers gathering in Rio de Janeiro on 25-26 July agreed to take the first step to work together to ensure that the super-rich are fairly and effectively taxed. While the specifics were not elaborated in their joint declaration, the foundation has now been laid for a potential global standard. This is serious global progress towards improving the fairness of tax systems and generating much-needed resources for the fight against poverty, inequality and climate change

G20 finance ministers agree to work toward effectively taxing the super-rich

2 August, 2024

Finance ministers from leading rich and developing nations agreed Friday to strive toward effectively taxing the super-rich, a joint ministerial declaration said

OP-ED | Can the Pact for the Future Tackle Rising Human Insecurity, By Richard Ponzio & Nudhara Yusuf

2 August, 2024

Richard Ponzio and Nudhara Yusuf posit the Summit of the Future (SOTF) represents both a milestone and another step in the long journey toward achieving human security for all, noting that the older generation owe this renewed commitment to collective global action to today’s younger generation and all succeeding generations to fulfill their most urgent human needs, while charting a sustainable course to realize their highest aspirations

Call for Effective Follow-Up Tools for Proposed UN Pact for the Future

19 July, 2024

The letter emphasizes the critical need for effective and accountable follow-up measures to implement the proposed Pact for the Future—the main outcome document under negotiation—which is intended to revitalize global governance with the United Nations at the center

Líderes mundiales suman su apoyo a la idea de aplicar un impuesto a la renta de los “superricos”

16 July, 2024

En una carta, una veintena de ex presidentes y primeros ministros de países del G20 se expresaron a favor de la iniciativa de Brasil de promover un impuesto que alcance al menos el 2% de la renta de los milmillonarios, quienes apenas pagan entre 0% y el 0,5% de impuestos a las ganancias

Villepin, Bachelet, Zapatero… D’anciens dirigeants politiques plaident pour une taxe mondiale sur les milliardaires

12 July, 2024

Dans une lettre ouverte envoyée ce jeudi 11 juillet aux pays du G20, d’ex-chefs d’Etat et de gouvernement défendent l’idée d’un accord mondial visant à taxer les ultra-riches, afin de lutter contre l’évasion fiscale

Appello di 20 ex capi di Stato ai leader del G20: “Sostenete la proposta del Brasile per la tassazione degli ultra ricchi”

12 July, 2024

Quasi 20 ex capi di Stato e di governo dei paesi del G20 o a reddito più elevato, invitano con una lettera i loro successori attualmente in carica a sostenere un “nuovo accordo globale per tassare gli individui ultra-ricchi del mondo”

Exdirigentes de todo el mundo piden al g20 un impuesto para los superricos

12 July, 2024

Expresidentes y ex primeros ministros han enviado una carta abierta a los actuales líderes de las 20 mayores economías del mundo en la que instan a apoyar un impuesto mundial a los multimillonarios, lo que califican de rara oportunidad política.

So viel könnte eine Steuer für Superreiche in Deutschland einbringen

12 July, 2024

Milliardäre, die geringere Steuersätze zahlen als ihre Angestellten – ist das fair? Nein, sagen zahlreiche Ex-Regierungschefs und fordern eine Mindeststeuer für Superreiche. Das könnte sie für Deutschland bedeuten

Tax the super-rich, ex-leaders tell G20

11 July, 2024

Former presidents and prime ministers have sent an open letter to current leaders of the world’s 20 largest economies urging support for a global tax on billionaires, which they called a rare political opportunity.

Former heads of state and government call on President Biden and fellow G20 leaders to back global deal to tax the ultra-rich

11 July, 2024

The leaders write: “rare is a proposal that asks us as former leaders to rally in unity —and that we recognize as politically possible. This, clearly, is one”

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