
Bielorússia: danys col·laterals

20 May, 2022

El país presidit per Lukaixenko s’ha convertit en l’últim reducte d’un món que va ser. Atrapat per un passat soviètic que no ha sigut capaç de deixar anar i per un dictador amb un únic objectiu que continua sent la seva pròpia supervivència.

La líder de la oposición bielorrusa: “Lukashenko tiene que pagar el apoyo que Putin le prestó en 2020″

18 May, 2022

Svetlana Tijanovskaya recuerda que “Bielorrusia se ha convertido en la plataforma de misiles” de Rusia.

Finlândia e Suécia vão pedir adesão à NATO, diz ex-Presidente finlandesa

4 May, 2022

A ex-Presidente da Finlândia, Tarja Halonen, disse hoje na Cidade da Praia, que o seu país e a Suécia “vão pedir a adesão à NATO” na Primavera.

Ex-presidente da Finlândia encoraja Cabo Verde a continuar a trabalhar no combate à VBG

4 May, 2022

A ex-presidente da Finlândia, Tarja Halonen, que se encontra de visita a Cabo Verde, encorajou hoje o País a continuar a trabalhar no combate à violência baseada no género (VBG) e na garantia para a igualdade de género.

Making the Most of the 2023 UN Summit of the Future

20 April, 2022

Combined with the growing fears of irreversible climate change and emerging new Covid-19 variants and subvariants, stands an ominous “third C”: conflict between Russia and Ukraine, which has triggered a refugee crisis on a scale not witnessed in Europe since the end of World War II.

How to stop Disease X, next pandemic

14 April, 2022

Global leaders unite behind make-or-break Pandemic Treaty talks key to strengthening world’s ability to contain menace.

Danilo Türk: “Diseminar desinformación es como envenenar a la población y puede ser un crimen de guerra”

12 April, 2022

“¿Es la desinformación el preludio de una más amplia y profunda guerra cibernética?”, planteaba hace unos días Danilo Türk, el presidente del mayor foro mundial de ex mandatarios de países democráticos conocido como Club de Madrid, durante un debate en el Instituto de Cuestiones Internacionales y Política Exterior de la capital española.

To Stop Disease X, Accountability Key to New Pandemic Treaty, Says GPHC

12 April, 2022

Global leaders unite behind make or break Pandemic Treaty talks that are key to strengthening the world’s ability to contain outbreaks and safeguard societies and economies.

Extended pandemic shows the need for a pandemic treaty

12 April, 2022

As the world enters the third year of the COVID-19 pandemic, a wave of omicron BA.2 is sweeping through Europe and Asia, driving up cases, hospitalizations and even deaths.

COVID-19’s lessons for democracies

11 April, 2022

For more than two years, COVID-19 has taken lives, destroyed livelihoods, disrupted daily routines and dominated political discussion around the world. As the acute phase of the pandemic comes to an end, we must evaluate what COVID-19 has revealed about the ability of democratic systems to respond to such emergencies.

“El error de la invasión de Ucrania tendrá consecuencias: Putin caerá antes o después”

31 March, 2022

El ex presidente de Eslovenia considera que el líder ruso ha provocado lo contrario de lo que buscaba ya que los ucranianos están más unidos y determinados que nunca.

Twitter allowed Christchurch trolling after shooting

31 March, 2022

The former prime minister of New Zealand was accused by a Twitter troll of staging the Christchurch massacre in which 50 people died — but the social media giant refused to take down the defamatory post.

COVID-19’s Lessons for Democracies

30 March, 2022

While pandemics are rare, natural disasters, financial crises, and industrial accidents occur on a regular basis.

Climate push needs female voice

28 March, 2022

We also know that climate stabilisation depends on a whole-of-society response, and thus on all citizens’ equal and fair participation in governance.

Climate justice requires women’s leadership

25 March, 2022

Absent the active participation of women and girls in local, national, and global climate strategies, a carbon-neutral future will remain out of reach.

Climate Justice Requires Women’s Leadership

24 March, 2022

Only a third of leadership positions in climate-change negotiations are held by women, even though women are the most vulnerable to the worst effects of global warming.

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