
Global North must start listening to messages from Global South, former Slovenian president Danilo Turk tells Arab News at UNGA

26 September, 2023

West and Russia’s diplomatic stalemate over Ukraine is a major obstacle to progress, says Turk

María Fernanda Espinosa: “No hay alternativa a reformar la ONU, dejar las cosas así solo erosionará más el sistema”

25 September, 2023

La exministra de Ecuador y expresidenta de la Asamblea General de la ONU analiza la reunión anual de líderes mundiales en un momento de grandes divisiones, el escaso avance en los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible y la participación de las mujeres en las organizaciones multilaterales

ONU invita a Carlos Alvarado a inaugurar evento sobre desarrollo sostenible en Nueva York

15 September, 2023

El exmandatario Carlos Alvarado presentará sus propuestas, desafíos y posibles soluciones para el cumplimiento de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible

ONU invita a Carlos Alvarado a inaugurar evento sobre desarrollo sostenible en Nueva York

15 September, 2023

El exmandatario Carlos Alvarado presentará sus propuestas, desafíos y posibles soluciones para el cumplimiento con los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible

“Nada é inevitável e uma Guerra Fria também não o é. Ainda há espaço para sabedoria política e gestão de bastidores”

5 September, 2023

O atual presidente do Club de Madrid considera que, apesar da invasão russa da Ucrânia e da crescente tensão entre os Estados Unidos e a China, nada obriga a que o mundo caminhe para uma confrontação generalizada, ainda há tempo de defender a paz

Danilo Türk: “É possível e necessário negociar com Putin”

5 September, 2023

O actual presidente do Clube de Madrid defende que é preciso uma visão estratégica, política, sobre como pôr fim à guerra. E mostra-se céptico em relação ao alargamento da UE à Ucrânia.

Jokate: Administrator, actor and beauty queen with passion for Tanzania youth growth

8 August, 2023

Recently, she joined a group of 23 people selected to the Club de Madrid’s Network of Young Decision Makers. The club brings together young leaders aged under 36 years, who are active in politics and decision-making bodies and who have reached positions of influence to advocate greater political participation by the youth.

Aminata Touré in Radio Nacional de España

1 August, 2023

En nuestro programa de hoy, hablamos del arranque de la presidencia española de la Unión Europea, de los enfrentamientos entre Israelíes y Palestino en Yenín, de la guerra en Ucrania y de la situación en Senegal, dónde la oposición llama a la movilización contra el presidente Macky Sall. Entrevistamos además a Juan Ramón Alvarez Cobelas, para hablar de la geopolítica en el Sahel.

Ban Ki-Moon Flags Potential Impact of EU Trade Deals on India’s Generic Medicine Exports

31 July, 2023

The EU’s proposals for stricter protection of intellectual property rights could hinder access to cost-effective medicines that India exports to the Global South

EU trade deals risk affordability of generic medicines for Global South

31 July, 2023

The disproportionate intellectual property protections the bloc proposes could threaten the affordability of generics that countries like India and Indonesia export to poorer nations.

Work hard and do what you love, says global entrepeneur and peace activist

19 July, 2023

Steve Killelea serves on the President’s Circle for Club de Madrid

‘Africa is the most oppressed continent in history. To exist as an African is already a victory’

19 July, 2023

Aminata Touré, an economist and the former Prime Minister of Senegal, is running to become the first female president in the country’s 2024 elections

200+ Senior Economists Ask UN, World Bank to Act Against Extreme Global Inequalities

19 July, 2023

“We are living through a time of extraordinarily high economic inequality. Extreme poverty and extreme wealth have risen sharply and simultaneously for the first time in 25 years.”

SETTING SERIOUS GOALS TO COMBAT INEQUALITY – Open Letter to the United Nations Secretary-General and President of the World Bank

18 July, 2023

As a group of economists and leaders in the fight against extreme inequalities from around the world, we write to request your leadership towards ensuring that the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the World Bank back vital new strategic goals and indicators, that can redouble efforts to address rising extreme inequality.

Top economists call for action on runaway global inequality

18 July, 2023

Gulf between rich and poor increases risk of climate breakdown as well as entrenches poverty, says letter to UN and World Bank signed by Club de Madrid Members Ban Ki-moon and Helen Clark

“África es el continente más agredido, existir como africanos ya es una victoria”

18 July, 2023

La economista Aminata Touré, ex primera ministra de Senegal y titular de la cartera de Justicia, aspira a convertirse en la primera mujer presidenta del país en las elecciones de 2024

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