Live Session: Dialogue for the inclusion of the Afro-Peruvian people

This Live Session will be in Spanish. Read blow the event’s information in Spanish.

The Republic of Peru celebrates this year 200 years of independence from Spain. An independence, nonetheless, whose social advances have not been equal to the different peoples that conform the country. Peru is the home to over 8 different ethnic groups, a diverse society whose historical and cultural heritage, nourished by all the different nationalities that have set foot on the country, can be ranked among the richest in the world. However, social injustice, inequalities and ethnic discrimination still run deep. As a result, minority groups suffer from deep social disadvantage, which reflects on lower school attendance, lower income, and less access to the welfare system.

Club de Madrid and Ashanti Perú act as a catalyst to promote a conversation between the Government of the Republic of Peru and the Commission for the Andean, Amazonian and Afro-Peruvian people, Environment and Ecology, the commission of the Peruvian Congress representing the rights of these minorities.

This Live Session gathers several MPs from the Ministries of Culture, Justice and Human Rights, and Education and representatives of the diverse people of Peru to address inequalities and walk towards renewed policies that engage all citizens equally, with a special focus on the Afro-Peruvian people. Aminata Touré, former President of Senegal and Club de Madrid Member, will speak on behalf of Club de Madrid.

The encounter is held in the context of Club de Madrid and Ashanti Perú’s collaboration to promote more equal and inclusive societies in the country. The first dialogue of the series, a conversation between former Costa Rica President and Club de Madrid Vice-President Laura Chinchilla and Peruvian Congresspeople, took place last 27 August. 

Join our Live Session to discuss proposals for reducing social and justice inequalities for the Afro-Peruvian people. This Live Session will be held in Spanish
11 October at 10:00-11:30 (Peruvian time) – 17:00-18:30 (CEST)


Live Session: Diálogo para la inclusión del pueblo afroperuano

Club de Madrid y Ashanti Perú organizan una conversación entre el gobierno de la República del Perú y la Comisión de Pueblos Andinos, Amazónicos y Afroperuanos, Ambiente y Ecología (órgano que representa los derechos de estas minorías en el Congreso peruano), con el fin de fomentar un diálogo permanente entre estas instituciones.

Esta ‘Live Session’ reúne a varios miembros de los ministerios de Cultura, Justicia y Derechos Humanos y Educación con representantes de la sociedad plural de Perú con el objetivo de hacer frente a las desigualdades y caminar hacia políticas renovadas que integren a todos los ciudadanos por igual, con la mirada puesta, especialmente, en el pueblo Afroperuano. Aminata Touré, ex primera ministra de Senegal, participará en esta discusión como Miembro de Club de Madrid.

Inscríbase a esta Live Session para destilar propuestas encaminadas a reducir las injusticias sociales y desigualdades que sufre el colectivo afroperuano.
11 October at 10:00-11:30 (Hora de Perú) – 17:00-18:30 (CEST)
