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Call for Papers

The Club de Madrid in collaboration with the Maastricht School of Management (MsM) will convene a two day workshop on the 29 and 30 March 2012 to review and consolidate the current state of knowledge on the impact of shared societies on economic performance and advance understanding of the underlying dynamics of that relationship.

A shared society is one in which individuals share an equal capacity to participate in economic, political and social opportunities regardless of their religion, ethnic or linguistic group, and where as a consequence relations between groups are peaceful. The costs of social divisions, and of missing out on the shared society dividend may be significant and the ultimate consequences for the sustainability of human economic and social life, devastating. Despite this strong case, too many states are hampered by social divisions and characterized by intolerance, racism, marginalization and persecution of groups.

A number of international experts in the field will be invited as keynote speakers. Further details will follow.

Invitation to Submit Papers 

Original papers dealing with the economics of shared societies are herewith invited. The deadline for abstracts is 29 February 2012

Abstracts, accompanied by a CV, should be submitted to  A selection committee will review all proposals. Preference will be given to original papers since all selected papers will be considered for a special publication. Applicants will be notified by end February 2012 whether or not their submissions have been successful. For accepted abstracts, full papers will be required by 21 March 2012. The selected participant’s travel and accommodation costs will be covered.