The situation of women in the armed forces

This seminar was organised in the framework of the sub-regional 5+5 Initiative that began in 2004 and include Ministers of Defence from Algeria, Spain, France, Italy, Libya, Morocco, Mauritania, Portugal and Tunisia. The 5+5 initiative was born in order to create a new Mediterranean security initiative, restricted to the western part of the Mediterranean basin, and aims to develop multilateral co-operation by carrying out practical activities within the context of an annual action plan to strengthen mutual understanding and confidence for the purpose of fostering Western Mediterranean security.
During the seminar, aimed at analysing the situation of women in the armed forces in the different countries of the initiative, the Club de Madrid shared best practices and recommendations drawn from the Women’s Leadership for Peace and Security in the Greater Horn of Africa Project, carried out between 2009 and 2012. Using UNSCR 1325 as leverage, the project worked directly with women leaders and women’s groups in the Greater Horn of Africa to promote interaction and dialogue with national, regional and international decision-making structures and mechanisms to engage in conflict prevention, management and resolution.