The state of democracy in Latin America: Opportunities and challenges

The rise of authoritarianism is a challenge for democracies and poses an ideological test we have not faced since the end of the Cold War. Latin America is precisely one of the regions where democracy is under siege and warns us of the serious political moment the region is going through.

Democracy is under attack by increasingly consolidated authoritarian regimes, but also by authoritarian and populist movements. The inability of some governments to meet the needs of the people, increasing polarisation and growing inequality have fuelled fear, uncertainty and anger among citizens. There is a real risk that this situation could lead to a contagion effect whereby authoritarian tendencies permeate established democracies.

Democracy in Latin America is going through turbulent times and is under heavy siege. From the serious disturbances in Brazil, the profound crisis currently affecting Peru, the uncontrolled situation of violence – bordering on anarchy – affecting Haiti, or the cases of Mexico and El Salvador. All of this warns us about the complex political moment the region is going through. It is important to note that not all Latin American countries are experiencing this crisis in the same way, and there are examples of democratic progress in some places. However, the overall situation in the region is one of uncertainty and challenges in terms of strengthening and consolidating democracy.

It is crucial to focus on those countries where democracy is at risk, so that through institutional strengthening and cooperation, democratic deterioration can be halted.

This is why Club de Madrid -the largest independent and global forum of democratically elected world leaders- in collaboration with the Francisco de Vitoria University, is organising a discussion to deepen the analysis of the current situation of democracy in Latin America, emphasising the opportunities for cooperation with other regions and highlighting the results of the EU-CELAC summit.


La situación de la democracia en América Latina: Oportunidades y retos

27 de octubre; 10:30 – 12:00 h (CEST)

Sala de Conferencias – Edificio H; Universidad Francisco de Vitoria

This meeting will feature Francisco Sagasti, President of Peru (2020-2021) and Club de Madrid Member; Ignacio Cosidó, Director of the Center for the Global Common Good at the Francisco de Vitoria University; Santiago Urbina, democracy advocate in Nicaragua; and a representative of the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation and Development (AECID). Laura Tedesco, Professor of Political Science at the University of Saint Luois will moderate the discussion.