INSPIRED+ mission to Cape Verde: labour rights of domestic workers

World Leadership Alliance – Club de Madrid Member and former President of Spain, José Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, will lead an INSPIRED+ Project mission to Cape Verde in collaboration with its local partner, the NGO Associação Cabo-Verdiana de Luta Contra a Violência Baseada no Género (ACLCVBG).

INSPIRED+ Cape Verde aims to build consensus on domestic workers’ labour rights, through the promotion of dialogue between all stakeholders. Raising awareness has the objective of creating favourable conditions for the approval and dissemination of domestic labour regulations, so that female domestic workers may have access to social security and perform their job functions in a dignified manner. Female 

Data shows that the effective application of the law (Labour Code) is still a challenge. According to studies carried out on minimum wage (2011), 81% of female domestic workers are included in the informal sector, whereas the majority of informal workers are paid the minimum wage (37.5% less than formal workers). Data released in 2011 by Social Security shows that only 10% of the total number of domestic workers are covered by the social security system.