Club de Madrid Articles

Venezuela: fundamental Human Rights under unacceptable pressure

The recent arrest of Antonio Ledezma, mayor of the metropolitan area of Caracas with a disproportionate deployment of police resources and absence of any warranty or legal certainty; the prolonged incarceration, for over a year now, of opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez...

The Politics of Peacebuilding: Lessons from Promoting Shared Societies

Participants in the panel, in addition to the two Members, were: Oscar Fernández-Taranco, UN Assistant Secretary General for Peace Building Support; Makhtar Diop, Vice President for Africa of the Workd Bank; and Betty Bigombe, Senior Director of Fragility, Conflict...

2015 must be the year of the institutional reconstruction for Haiti

Club de Madrid Members Felipe Calderón, former President of México (2006-2012) and Jorge Quiroga, former President of Bolivia (2001-2002) and the organization’s Vice-President, lead the IV high level mission to Haiti (27-29 January) in the framework of the EU-funded...

Member John Bruton blogs about 2014 Club de Madrid/RFKC Policy Dialogue

The Policy Dialogue was held in Florence, November 23-25. It was hosted by the European University Institute and covered analysis and prognosis for every region of the world. Former Primer Minister of Ireland and Club de Madrid Member, John Bruton,...

Club de Madrid undertakes Sixth High-Level Mission to Myanmar

They will partake in bilateral meetings with government officials, a workshop on “Sound Management of Natural Resources”, a meeting with ethnic groups, and will lead a roundtable “Promoting Inter-religious Peace in Myanmar”. This visit, part of the Club de Madrid project “High Level Support for...

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