Michelle Bachelet visits Honduras to promote women’s political participation

The Vice-President of Club de Madrid and President of Chile (2006-2010 and 2014-2018), Michelle Bachelet, will visit Honduras (20-23 August 2024) with the aim of promoting women’s political participation and fighting against gender-based violence in the political arena.

Spain, through the Ellas+ programme of the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation Honduras Embassy of Spain in Honduras and Club de Madrid in close collaboration with UN Women Honduras, make this important visit possible through the project Visible Women, Possible Changes! This initiative aims to increase and qualify the levels of citizen participation and advocacy of women in spaces of power and decision-making, fostering the conditions for a more active citizenship that protects and promotes the rights of women and girls.

During her visit, Vice President Bachelet will meet with representatives of different sectors of the country’s political sphere, including her participation in the Plenary of the National Congress of Honduras, as well as in the National Assembly of Women Mayors of AMHON (Association of Municipalities of Honduras) in order to discuss the relationship between women’s political participation and the democratic system in the country, and to influence the importance of the equal incorporation of women in social and political life for the improvement of legislation favourable to women’s rights.