The Voice and Value of Democracy

In recent years, there has been growing concern about the decline of democracy, whose norms and institutions are eroding in many parts of the world. This decline is attributed to the failure of some democracies to address the problems of their citizens, declining voter confidence in elected leaders, and the intrusion of authoritarian regimes that disregard democratic values. At the same time, a narrative is emerging that presents democracy as a concept imposed by the West or the Global North, supposedly undermining the sovereignty of nations. On the contrary, democracy is inherently adaptable and takes various forms to respect the regional and cultural diversity of each country and territory where it is practised.

To counter this worrying trend, the advocacy campaign “The Voice and Value of Democracy” was launched. It aims to counter the myths and negative perceptions that have recently surrounded democracy. The campaign primarily targets young people, recognising the key role they play in understanding the importance of democracy, its universal principles, and its potential to contribute to its advancement and strengthening meaningfully.

“The Voice and Value of Democracy” aims to shift the narrative and attitude towards democracy towards a more positive perspective. It aims to show the beneficial impact of democratic practices not only in governance but in all facets of life. By highlighting the diversity of democratic expressions in different regions and cultures, the campaign aims to demonstrate that democracy can be interpreted and implemented in multiple ways while respecting regional and cultural values. An informed, engaged and civically educated citizenry can drive meaningful change.

This initiative is supported by the Global Democracy Coalition, a collaborative alliance of democratic organisations from around the world dedicated to promoting and safeguarding democracy. Club de Madrid is leading the campaign with the support of Debroca.

The pre-launch of the campaign took place in Seoul at the Third Summit for Democracy, hosted by the Government of South Korea. The event, entitled “Finding the Balance: Youth, New Technologies and Democracy”, featured several young people from our WYDE Civic Engagement Network of Young Decision-Makers.