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WYDE Civic Engagement

Network of Young Decision-makers

Part of Women and Youth in Democracy Initiative

Elena Motta

Congress Member, Guatemala

Active Network Member

From: Guatemala

Active since: 2024

Congress member, elected to the Congress of the Republic of Guatemala to the period 2024-2028. She has a closed curriculum in the degree of political science for the Rafael Landívar University.

She has participated in the scout movement for almost twenty years, and was a student leader of the “Landivarianos” Movement during 2021-2022.

In 2022, she participated in the internal elections of the Movimiento Semilla, Political Party in Guatemala to be a candidate for deputy for Guatemala City, where she obtained a space on the official list, and in 2023, after the general elections on June 25, she was elected as a congress member for the Guatemala City for the 2024-2028 legislative period, becoming the youngest woman democratically elected as a representative in the Congress of the Republic of Guatemala, at 22 years of age.

Elena Motta Related Activities

From 06/03/2024 to 06/05/2024

WYDE Network of Young Decision-makers activities in Berlin

Our young leaders met in the German capital and shared our project with the local authorities and politicians