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WYDE Civic Engagement

Network of Young Decision-makers

Part of Women and Youth in Democracy Initiative

Doreen Nyanjura

Deputy Lord Mayor of Kampala Capital City

Active Network Member

From: Uganda

Active since: 2023

Nyanjura Doreen is the Deputy Lord Mayor of Kampala Capital City. She is serving her second term both as Deputy Lord Mayor and as the elected Local Council 5 (LCV) Woman Councilor, representing Makerere University at Kampala Capital City Authority.

She is a senior member of the second biggest Opposition Political Party in Uganda (The Forum for Democratic Change-FDC), where she serves as an Executive member in charge of trade, investment and the Economy. She is an author, a Feminist and Gender Scholar at Makerere University and an Activist in the fight for Women, Youth and PWDs rights.

She has been involved in the struggle for political and social change in Uganda for over ten years now. Her activism against bad governance has seen her arrested over 25 times.

Doreen Nyanjura Related Activities

From 11/12/2023 to 11/14/2023

Policy Lab Network of Young Decision-Makers 2023- 12 November | “Youth Rethinking Social Development for People and Planet”

The Network of Young Decision-Makers will contribute to the discussions of Club de Madrid’s Annual Policy Dialogue 2023

Date: 06/15/2023

First meeting of the Network of Young Decision-makers

WYDE Civic Engagement Network of Young Decision-Makers brings together a group of exceptional young leaders under 36 years old who are active in politics and in decision-making bodies and who have already reached positions of influence from which they can advocate for greater youth political participation.

From 06/03/2024 to 06/05/2024

Moussa Mara visits Uganda to contribute to the strengthening of democracy

“If we want to promote real democracy in Africa, we must invest in the youth”