Attending the Forum were 70 guests, including 30 former heads of state and government, leaders of international organizations, along with 40 foreign friends, experts, scholars, and business elites

Attending the Forum were 70 guests, including 30 former heads of state and government, leaders of international organizations, along with 40 foreign friends, experts, scholars, and business elites
Mehdi Jomaa, former Prime Minister of Tunisia, and Yves Leterme, former Prime Minister of Belgium, were keynote speakers at a Global Economic Governance Policy Dialogue organized jointly with the Stimson Center and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung at the World Bank in Washington DC from 18 to 20 November....
World Leadership Alliance – Club de Madrid (WLA – CdM) Member, Yves Leterme, led a mission to Tunis partnering with the Anna Lindh Foundation in supporting Young Mediterranean Voices (YMV) project, a debate programme connecting civil society, education and policy-makers across the South...
The presidential, legislative and local elections will be the most complex and large-scale elections in Haiti’s recent...
The recent arrest of Antonio Ledezma, mayor of the metropolitan area of Caracas with a disproportionate deployment of...
Participants in the panel, in addition to the two Members, were: Oscar Fernández-Taranco, UN Assistant Secretary...
Club de Madrid Members Felipe Calderón, former President of México (2006-2012) and Jorge Quiroga, former President of...
The Policy Dialogue was held in Florence, November 23-25. It was hosted by the European University...
This side event took place on the 5th fof November, 2015 . Click here to download the flyer (pdf) with more...
The INSPIRED programme, implemented in Tunisia, Moldova, Kyrgyzstan, Ghana and Morocco through local partners, was...
Facilitate confidence-building and holding of elections in 2015 will be the main issues to be adressed during the...
Türk stressed that the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are an important achievement resulting from decades of the...