Club de Madrid Articles

Club de Madrid conveys the final mission of its project on preventing violent extremism

This mission mains objectives are:  Share Member experience/recommendations in addressing issues of conflict, violent extremism and hate speech; Contribute to national debate and efforts in developing alternative narratives to counter violent extremism and...

T20 present proposals for G20 to German government

The T20 called on the G20 to follow up on the proposals by agreeing concrete steps for implementation. The document was presented by the T20 chairmen Dennis J. Snower, President of the Institute for World Economy Kiel (IfW), and Dirk Messner, Director of the German...

Nigeria: Civil Society Declaration on Processes Towards Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism

The National workshop was organized as a part of the “Preventing Violent Extremism: Leaders Telling A Different Story” project of the Club de Madrid [CdM] being implemented in a twelve month pilot across three countries [Nigeria, Tunisia and Lebanon], and across two...

Aurora Humanitarian Initiative partners with CdM to raise awareness for global humanitarian causes

In Yerevan, they will be engaging with humanitarian practitioners, scholars, media professionals and policymakers to discuss effective approaches and reforms for peacekeeping and peacebuilding and the role of economic development in the process.  ...

Laura Chinchilla, new Co-Chair of the Inter-American Dialogue

This is a communiqué by the Inter-American Dialogue on the appointment of Club de Madrid (CdM) Vice-President, Laura Chinchilla as Co-Chair of the organization: "The Inter-American Dialogue’s Board of Directors has just announced that at its meeting on October 30, 2018 it voted unanimously to...

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