Club de Madrid Articles

Club de Madrid statement on Nagorno-Karabakh

Club de Madrid calls on all the parties to strictly respect the cease-fire and avoid any actions or statements that could lead to further escalation. As the US Secretary of State has said the “unstable situation on the ground demonstrates why the sides must enter into...

Mexico Peace Index: Mexico’s 5-Year Gains in Peace Slow Significantly in 2015

While Mexico saw a 10% decrease in the rate of violent crimes and 8% decrease in the rate of organized crime in the last year, this was countered by a 6% increase in the homicide rate, as well as increases in the rates of crimes committed with firearms and prisoners...

The Shared Societies Project at the OECD Global Development Forum

Frederic Bontemps, Director of the Sustainable Development Office at the French Foreign Affairs Ministery and Member of the Club de Madrid Working Group on Sustainability and Shared Societies and Clem McCartney, Policy and Content Coordinator of the Shared Societies...

T20 present proposals for G20 to German government

The T20 called on the G20 to follow up on the proposals by agreeing concrete steps for implementation. The document was presented by the T20 chairmen Dennis J. Snower, President of the Institute for World Economy Kiel (IfW), and Dirk Messner, Director of the German Development Institute /...

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