Club de Madrid Articles

International Women’s Day: the work towards a democracy that delivers

The Club de Madrid and its 109 Members are fully committed to make the International Women’s Day a year round effort as well as a celebration to inspire the world and advance for equality and dignity for all, in other words for a democracy that truly delivers. No real...

Club de Madrid member Lagumdžija visits Jordan to talk about extremism and the refugee crisis

Following that meeting Prime Minister Lagumdžija visited the Zatari refugee camp, in the North of Jordan, where he met face to face with Syrian refugees. Zatari is the second biggest refugee camp in the world after Dadaab, in Kenya. During his visit, Mr. Lagumdžija...

Members Türk and Jomaa lead a CdM panel at the World Bank Fragility, Conflict & Violence Forum

In the framework of the Forum, the Club de Madrid co-organized a High Level Panel on Democratic and Inclusive Leadership to Prevent Violent Extremism, where CdM members Danilo Türk and Mehdi Jomaa were key speakers, along with Dewirini Anggraeni from Mothers School...

Fourth Global Baku Forum

The meet­ing will build on the find­ings from the Baku Forum of 2015, which reviewed the main chal­lenges to the cur­rent World Order and explored options to over­come them. Over 70 for­mer and cur­rent world lead­ers gath­ered in Baku to dis­cuss issues of top...

T20 present proposals for G20 to German government

The T20 called on the G20 to follow up on the proposals by agreeing concrete steps for implementation. The document was presented by the T20 chairmen Dennis J. Snower, President of the Institute for World Economy Kiel (IfW), and Dirk Messner, Director of the German Development Institute /...

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