Club de Madrid Articles

Ten former presidents and 50 experts tackle the challegues of the Next Generation Democracy in the Americas

Jorge Quiroga, Vicente Fox, Ricardo Lagos, Yves Leterme, Belisario Betancur, César Gaviria, Alejandro Toledo, Luis Alberto Lacalle, Enrique Iglesias and  nominated Club de Madrid Members Laura Chinchilla and Carlos Mesa,...

Juan Manuel Santos and 10 former presidents lead the NGD Roundtable about the future of democracy in the Americas

Beyond the outcomes already reached throughout NGD’s project development, a new debate will be held in which not only the political and social dimensions of the Americas but also the relations between democratic governance and market economy will be the center of the...

SDGs: No one left behind

President Roza Otunbayeva said, during her presentation at the ECOSOC session “From the MDGs to SDGs”, that Central Asian countries had demonstrated that education is the most important factor to unlock development gains. Her country had graduated from socialism with...

Andrés Pastrana, new president of the Centrist Democrat International

The decision was taken at the meeting of leaders of 76 Christian Democrat and Social Christian political parties from all continents who met in plenary to elect their new president. This time, the meeting took place at the national headquarters of the conservative...

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