Media Articles

Open Letter on the United Nations Pact for the Future

The Summit of the Future presents both an important milestone and another step in the long journey toward greater justice, security, and sustainable development for all nations and peoples

Honour African Anti-Corruption Day by Committing to Create an International Anti-Corruption Court

On African Anti-Corruption Day 2024, commemorating the 21st anniversary of the African Union’s (AU) adoption of the Convention on Preventing and Combating Corruption (AUCPCC), Integrity Initiatives International (III), Club de Madrid, Good Governance Africa (GGA) and...

Former heads of state and government call on President Biden and fellow G20 leaders to back global deal to tax the ultra-rich

The letter, which was coordinated by Club de Madrid and Oxfam, warns that “the share of income of the top 1 percent of earners has risen by 45 percent over four decades while top tax rates on their incomes were cut by roughly a third”

Viaje a Ítaca: A podcast by Club de Madrid and Latinoamérica21 (in Spanish)

“Viaje a Ítaca” is a series of interviews resulting from the alliance between Club de Madrid and Latinoamérica21, in which the renowned Latin Americanist academic, Dr. Manuel Alcántara, interviews prominent personalities who are Members of Club de Madrid, addressing issues related to the global, regional and national political reality of the interviewees.

Viaje a Ítaca: A podcast by Club de Madrid and Latinoamérica21 (in Spanish)

Viaje a Ítaca: A podcast by Club de Madrid and Latinoamérica21 (in Spanish)

“Viaje a Ítaca” is a series of interviews resulting from the alliance between Club de Madrid and Latinoamérica21, in which the renowned Latin Americanist academic, Dr. Manuel Alcántara, interviews prominent personalities who are Members of Club de Madrid, addressing issues related to the global, regional and national political reality of the interviewees.

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Delivering the Pandemic Accord the World Needs

Delivering the Pandemic Accord the World Needs

A new pandemic threat will emerge; there is no excuse not to be ready for it. That is why national leaders must complete negotiations on an effective, multisectoral, and multilateral agreement on pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response in time for the 77th World Health Assembly in May

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