
NATO Summit in Madrid with Alexander Stubb and Mircea Geoanã

Following the recent NATO Summit in Madrid, Alexander Stubbformer Prime Minister of Finland, Member of Club de Madrid, and current Director of the School of Transnational Governance at the European University Institute– and Mircea Geoanã –Deputy Secretary-General of NATO– take stock and reflect on the results of the recent Summit, its conclusions and the immediate effects on topics such as the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022, the possible accession of Sweden and Finland to the defence alliance, and the relationship with China.

World Refugee Day with Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga and Patrick Youssef

In commemoration of World Refugee Day, Patrick Youssef, Regional Director for Africa of the International Committee of the Red Cross and an old friend of Club de Madrid, is discussing with Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga, President of Latvia from 1999 to 2007 –the first female head of a former Soviet bloc state–, and former President of Club de Madrid. She was a refugee herself and fled from war-torn Latvia to spend more than 50 years in exile, to return afterwards and become President.

Our two protagonists talk about current refugee crises, forcibly displaced persons around the world, migrants’ rights, war-related humanitarian problems, exclusive narratives towards refugees, and possible solutions.

Cambio climático y el liderazgo de las mujeres, con Laura Chinchilla y María Fernanda Espinosa

En el marco de Estocolmo+50 en la semana del Día Mundial del Medio Ambiente, Laura Chinchilla, expresidenta de Costa Rica y actual vice-presidenta de Club de Madrid, conversa con María Fernanda Espinosa, expresidenta de la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas y miembro de Group of Women Leaders, sobre cambio climático y el liderazgo de las mujeres.

International Day of Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace with Danilo Türk and Ilona Szabo de Carvalho

On the International Day of Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace, Danilo Türk – professor of international law, human rights expert, former President of Slovenia and current President of Club de Madrid – is discussing with llona Szabo de Carvalho – Brazilian political scientist and civic entrepreneur, co-founder and executive director of the Igarapé Institute – some of the hottest topics on the multilateral agenda.

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has just appointed both of them to the High-Level Advisory Board on Effective Multilateralism along with 10 other leaders and experts.

Youth engagement, minority inclusion, and democratic backsliding with Kim Campbell

Bonus Episode in collaboration with The East Coast Coalition for Tolerance and Non-Discrimination (ECC).

Prime Minister of Canada (1993) Kim Campbell joins Bincheng Mao, chief editor of Inclusion Advocate and founder of the ECC, to discuss youth engagement in public service, minority inclusion, and her vision for Club de Madrid in preventing democratic backsliding.

Democracia y desarrollo sostenible, con Ricardo Lagos y Cristina Manzano

En el sexto episodio de esta serie especial del 20 aniversario del Club de Madrid, el expresidente de Chile (2000-2006) y Miembro de Club de Madrid, Ricardo Lago; conversa sobre desarrollo sostenible con Cristina Manzano, directora de EsGlobal y representante de una de las fundaciones constituyentes de Club de Madrid.

In our sixth episode of this 20th-anniversary series, the former President of Chile (2000-2006) and Member of Club de Madrid, Ricardo Lagos, talks about sustainable development with Cristina Manzano, Director of EsGlobal and Representative of Club de Madrid’s Constituent Foundations.

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