Launch of the new edition of the journal Development ‘Shared Societies’

The Journal will be introduced by two key Journal contributors, Danilo Turk, President of Slovenia 2007-2012 and Member of the Club de Madrid, and Amina Mohammed, Special Advisor to the UN Secretary General on Post-2015 Development Planning. Click here to download the flyer.

This issue of Development explores the concept of “Shared Societies” developed by the Club de Madrid to inspire commitment to a notion of society where all individuals and constituent groups hold status as equally contributing participants, free to express their differences while integrating their voices within the broader population. It is a society centred on respect for the dignity of the individual and his or her community, no matter how different they may seem. In this context, this Journal issue also explores how such concept and approach could contribute to the discussion on the post-2015 development agenda.

Journal authors explore ways to move beyond mainstream approaches to integration and inclusion of diverse communities. They seek a third way other than “assimilation”, which leaves the weaker group resentful that their identity has not been truly recognized and respected, and simple “cohabitation”, which often consolidates tensions between majority and minority groups and leaves both resentful and confused. The articles therefore explore elements that could inspire new bases for inter-group relations and contribute to new societal projects for truly Shared Societies, ones which are not owned by one section of the community but truly belong to everyone.

Unfortunately, while some societies are showing the benefits of adopting this orientation and approach, too many in the world around us do not often seem to share these aspirations and we continually  experience how hate for diversity, quest for power and greed appear to be stronger drivers than peace, understanding and conviviality. In the context of these challenges and the progressive erosion of the social foundations of many of our societies, this edition of Development is timely, and the aspirations for harmonious, just and convivial societies, which are promoted by conceptual frameworks such as those of Shared Societies and Buen Vivir, convey vital rays of light into the somehow gloomy prospects of our post-modern societies. This Journal issue aims to contribute to finding a path towards such new visions for humanity.

Table of Contents | Editorial | Press release

The journal is being launched at the United Nations (download programme) and there will be follow up events in different regions of the world. Stay tuned at and – the Society for International Development is a global network of individuals and institutions committed to the promotion of participative, pluralistic and sustainable development. Since its inception in 1957, SID has sought to facilitate dialogue between different development actors and bridge the gap between development theory and practice. The journal Development, now at its 57th Volume, is SID’s flagship publication since 1957. Published by Palgrave Macmillan, it enjoys a broad readership within the development community.

Club de Madrid – the Club de Madrid is the world’s largest independent group of group of democratic, political leaders, committed to addressing the challenges of democratic transition and consolidation there where they can make a difference. The principal added value of the Club de Madrid is a unique membership of nearly 100, democratically elected, former Presidents and Prime Ministers, from over 60 countries, willing and able to share their diverse expertise, experience and networks in support of democratic values and leadership worldwide.