Tackling the Challenges for Women’s Participation in the Horn of Africa Electoral Processes

From 23-25 February 2010, Members Birkavs and Bondevik led a high-level mission to Nairobi (Kenya), centred on two key themes:

(1) A review of the critical issues and challenges of impending elections in the region in 2010-2011, and implications for women’s participation in the electoral processes;

2) Internationally-assisted plans and processes supporting peace and security in Somalia and the engagement of women in national and international decision-making fora: constitutional development processes and policymaking and strategies to address the security challenges facing the Somalia population.

Among other crucial outcomes of the mission, opportunities for collaboration are being explored with UNDP-Somalia vis-a-vis mainstreaming gender in the Somali constitution-making process.

Read what UNDP – Somalia commented on the meeting