International financial reform: Driving Sustainable Futures for All

Annual Policy Dialogue on Financing for Sustainable Development


3 – 4 April 2025 

Nairobi, Kenya

Recent history will be remembered as a period of significant turmoil in every dimension of human and planetary well-being. A shared element among these diverse challenges is the need for enhanced financing for sustainable development. Only by mobilising sufficient resources will we be able to eradicate poverty, ensure our collective well-being and protect our planet.

Club de Madrid’s Policy Dialogue 2025 could not be more timely to engage and bring the voice and agency of its Members to decision-making spaces: The ECOSOC Forum on Financing for Development in April 2024, United Nations Summit of the Future in September 2024, the G20 presidencies of Brazil and South Africa in 2024 and 2025, the celebration of the 4th International Conference on Financing for Development in Spain in 2025 and the Second World Summit for Social Development in 2025.

Thanks to Club de Madrid’s convening power and network, our Annual Policy Dialogues provide a unique platform to inspire democratic policies with global reach. This is done through the sharing of hands-on government experience and lessons learnt in a dynamic pursuit of practical policy recommendations. Democratic former Presidents and Prime Ministers from around the world bring their individual and collective leadership experience to this singular meeting point where, together with experts, analysts, scholars and leaders from the private sector and civil society, they actively engage as agents of positive change.

         Working Group 1  

Led by Prof. Kevin P. Gallagher: Director, Global Development Policy Center, Boston University

This group addressed three key areas: the role of Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs), international monetary reforms, and the governance of international financial institutions. Discussions focused on scaling up MDB financial resources, enhancing operational agility, and innovating financing mechanisms. The group also explored reforms in the international monetary system to improve global liquidity and stability, and advocated for equitable governance structures in financial institutions to ensure inclusive representation.

         Working Group 2

Led by Joseph Upile Matola, Economist, South African Institute of International Affairs

It focused on sovereign debt issues. It examined current debt restructuring mechanisms and advocated for comprehensive reforms to ensure financial stability and sustainable development. The goal was to develop strategies that enable countries to manage debt effectively and redirect resources towards growth and development.

         Working Group 3

Led by José Antonio Ocampo, Former Minister of Finance of Colombia and Advisor of Club de Madrid

This group explored new approaches to international tax cooperation to resolve inequities in the global tax system. Discussions focused on creating a fair and effective tax system that supports sustainable development and addressed the financing gap crucial for achieving the SDGs.

For more information, please contact:

3rd of April- Watch the Opening Segment:

4th of April- Watch the Closing Remarks:

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