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WYDE Civic Engagement

Network of Young Decision-makers

Part of Women and Youth in Democracy Initiative

Lucas Felipe Wosgrau Padilha

Chief Secretary of the Mayor’s Executive Office (Casa Civil) of the City of Rio de Janeiro and President of Rio G20 Committee

Active Network Member

From: Brazil

Active since: 2024

Lucas Padilha is a lawyer specialized in Economic Law and International Relations, graduated from the Law School and the School of Social Sciences at Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV) in São Paulo and holds a master’s degree in law and Sociology from Peking University (China).

Lucas is former Secretary for the Environment in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Chief of Staff at Mayor’s Executive Office (“Casa Civil”) and special advisor to the São Paulo State Secretary of Education.

He also worked in investment banking (Itaú BBA) and at São Paulo City Council. Currently Lucas holds the position of Special Coordinator of International Relations and Cooperation and President of the Municipal Organizing Committee for Rio G20 2024 at the Cabinet of Mayor Paes. He is Legacy Fellow of the leadership program led by former Brazilian President Fernando Henrique Cardoso, a member of the Brazilian Centre for International Relations (CEBRI), and a Yenching Scholar at Peking University. Lucas has joined academic and multilateral fora as speaker or Brazilian delegate (e.g COP28. COP30, G20, Rockefeller Bellagio Center, OECD).