Examples of policies and practices which promote social inclusion of the most vulnerable groups around the World
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Using the Examples of Policies and Practices
When the members of the Club de Madrid created the Shared Societies Project they agreed that an important part of the Project should be to collect from around the world examples of policies and practices which promote social inclusion of the most vulnerable groups.
These examples have two important functions. First they show that it is possible to take action to encourage a Shared Society, and, more than that, they show that states, local authorities and civil society are actually working to achieve a more inclusive world. Secondly, they offer suggestions of initiatives that other leaders and communities have taken. They are presented here in a form that allows the user to identify quickly the appropriate initiatives for their circumstances and the specific elements of the initiative that they want to know about.
There are a number of access points for finding appropriate examples. Perhaps most conveniently, the examples are linked to the Ten Commitments of the Shared Societies Project and to the Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. It is also possible to search for examples by geographical region using the map.

Most of the examples were developed by Club de Madrid partners including some initiatives co-organized within the Shared Societies Project.
The Good Practices Guide is an on-going work and recent examples of good practices are being included regularly. Suggestions of initiatives and examples to be included in the platform would be very welcome.
Our intention is to present the Good Practices in a simple and practical way, as a series of short statements or bullet points under a consistent series of headings: Location / Background / Goals / Method / Impact / Enabling conditions / Comments and Further information.
Institutional arrangements
I. Locate responsibility of social cohesion within government structures

Locating responsibility to ensure the promotion of social cohesion clearly within government structures.
II. Create opportunities for minorities to be consulted

Create opportunities for minorities and marginalised groups and communities to be consulted about their needs and their perception of the responsiveness of state and community structures to meet those needs.
III. Ensure that structures and policies are supportive of social cohesion

Ensure that social cohesion is considered in devising governance structures, policy formation and policy implementation and establish procedures and mechanisms to ensure this is achieved and to reconcile divergent positions between sectional interests.
IV. Ensure the legal framework protects the rights of the individual

Ensure the legal framework protects the rights of the individual and prohibits discrimination based on ethnic, religious, gender or cultural difference.
V. Deal with economic disadvantages faced by those discriminated against

Take steps to deal with economic disadvantages faced by sections of society who are discriminated against, and ensure equal access to opportunities and resources.
Service and provisions
VI. Ensure that physical environments create opportunities for social interaction

Ensure that physical environments create opportunities for, rather than discourage, social interaction.
VII. Ensure an education system that demonstrates a commitment to a shared society

Ensure an education system that offers equal opportunity for developing the knowledge, skills, capacities and networks necessary for children to become productive, engaged members of society and that demonstrates a commitment to a shared society and educates children to understand and respect others.
VIII. Initiate a process to encourage the creation of a shared vision of society

Initiate a process to encourage the creation of a shared vision of society at local and national level.
Inter-community development
IX. Promote respect, understanding and appreciation of diversity

Promote respect, understanding and appreciation of cultural, religious and ethnic diversity and support local communities in exploring their identity, sharing their experiences with other identity groups and working together with those groups on common concerns.
X. Take steps to reduce tensions and hostility between communities

Take steps to reduce tensions and hostility between communities and ensure members of all communities are protected from abuse, intimidation and violence.

Inclusive migration in Dominican Republic

Portuguese migration policy

Supporting a Shared Societies Approach to National Challenges in Sri Lanka

Supporting Implementation of Agenda 2030 in Nepal