Club de Madrid Articles

Club de Madrid discusses the current global system and governance at the Imperial Springs Forum in China

The Imperial Springs International Forum (ISIF), titled Global Governance and China’s perspective, will provide the setting to engage in an open dialogue between experienced political leaders from across the globe, members of Club de Madrid (CdM), and top Chinese...

Club de Madrid & Breathrough Media partners with the EU to improve counter-narrative responses

The event 'Building Counter Narratives to Violent Extremism: Lessons Learnt from Outside Europe', will present the outcomes of two EU funded initiatives run by Club de Madrid (CdM) and Breakthrough Media respectively. It aims at providing ideas for public institutions...

“Europe must think more seriously about its own investment and defence capability”, says Vike-Freiberga

The Forum aims to discuss and bring light to European security issues. Freiberga, an expert on the field of defence and security, participated in the session “NATO is back in business: The future of the transatlantic Alliance”, where she asked for a more determined...

Cardoso, González, Sanguinetti and Lagos, participants of the XVIII Foro Iberoamérica which starts today in Buenos Aires

Afterwards, Felipe González and Julio María Sanguinetti, former presidents of Spain and uruguay respectively, will participate in the first roundtable where they will discuss about the crisis of political representation. During this edition, conversations will follow...

Club de Madrid celebrates International Women’s Day 2019

Almost all female Members of World Leadership Alliance - Club de Madrid were the first females elected Heads of State or Heads of Government in their countries. Among its Membership, World Leadership Alliance - Club de Madrid also has the first directly democratically elected female president...

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