Club de Madrid Articles

Mayors from South East Europe join in a Shared Societies effort

Hosted by the Major of Sarajevo(Bosnia & Herzegovina), it gathered majors from Belgrade (Serbia), Podgorica (Montenegro), Tirana (Albania) and eight other Bosnian cities to join forces and overcome social divisions, intergroup tension and hostility and to building...

Member George Papandreu responds our Q&A on the World Refugee Day (Part I)

Coming from Greece, Mr Papandreu has broad knowledge of the migratory crisis. In this first part of our Q&A, he warns that people "will more and more be on the move in this global economy" and stresses that "conflicts, civil wars, oppression from authoritarian...

Orlando massacre: ‘An act of terror, an act of hate’ that hit everyone’s democracy

Sunday the 12th was a heart breaking day for the LGBT community around the world. But this could have happened to any community, to any minority, to any of us who embrace diversity as a fundamental pillar of our democratic values. Much as the injured principle of the...

Club de Madrid undertakes Sixth High-Level Mission to Myanmar

They will partake in bilateral meetings with government officials, a workshop on “Sound Management of Natural Resources”, a meeting with ethnic groups, and will lead a roundtable “Promoting Inter-religious Peace in Myanmar”. This visit, part of the Club de Madrid...

In Memoriam

It is with sincere recognition and gratitude that we recall his active participation in the 2001 Conference on...

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