The debate, attended by around 100 participants was held on Tuesday 19th in the margins of the 72th UN General Assembly. The event was co-organized by the World Leadership Alliance - Club de Madrid and the European Commission. The former brought into the discussion the political experience and...
Club de Madrid Member, President Obasanjo, publishes its book “Making Africa Work”
"Sub-Saharan Africa faces three big inter-related challenges over the next generation. It will double its population to two billion by 2045. By then more than half of Africans will be living in cities. And this group of mostly young people will be connected with each other and the world through...
International Democracy Day: strengthening institutions, a key step towards democracy that delivers
A more integrated approach to foster resilient societies calls for effective and inclusive democratic governance with respect for human rights and the rule of law. Resilient societies are able to mitigate disputes through mediation, dialogue and the legitimacy of their institutions. In other...
The Economics of Shared Societies at the 4th Forum of the UN Alliance of Civilizations
The three day conference had a broad theme for each day. On Sunday the topic was the contribution that cultural...
Club de Madrid calls for a Global Leadership on Climate Action at COP17
The event, moderated by Veerle Vandeveerd, Director, United Nations Development Programme Environment & Energy...
Challenges ahead on assuring women’s participation in peace and security
Education and training In conflict situations there is a need for action in order to ensure the protection of...
In Memoriam
It is with sincere recognition and gratitude that we recall his active participation in the 2001 Conference on...
Prime Minister Bondevik promotes dialogue between main actors involved in city planning of Southern Kyrgyzstan
The mission conducted several meetings with the main actors and led a one-day seminar in Osh, a city severely damaged...
OECD’s Report on Perspectives on Global Development 2012: Social Cohesion in a Shifting World
Member Ricardo Lagos was a main discussant in the first session where, Mario Pezzini, Director of the OECD Development...
Club de Madrid in support of the Climate Vulnerable Countries in the Dhaka ministerial Forum
Nineteen of the most vulnerable countries to climate change agreed on 14 November 2011 to present a unified...
Club de Madrid Contribution to Rio+20
The panel, moderated by Kathy Sierra, Senior Fellow in the Global Economy and Development Program, Brookings...
Club de Madrid presents Bill Clinton with its Democratic Leadership Award
This Gala Dinner closed the Club de Madrid’s 2011 Conference “Digital Technologies for 21st Century Democracy”....