Club de Madrid Articles

A Breakthrough for People and Planet: Presentation of the Report of the HLAB

In 2022, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres brought together a group of 12 leading figures from the fields of politics, civil society, the private sector and academia to establish the High-Level Advisory Board on Effective Multilateralism (HLAB). This group was...

PolĂ­ticas de Inteligencia Artificial (IA) para la innovaciĂ³n: de los principios a la prĂ¡ctica

Club de Madrid (CdM), con el apoyo de Amazon Web Services (AWS), organizĂ³ una conferencia para debatir sobre el papel de la Inteligencia Artificial (IA) en la vida pĂºblica y la cooperaciĂ³n entre paĂ­ses democrĂ¡ticos el 24 de abril en la Sala Europa del Palacio del...

Nobel Peace Prize AlexĂ¡nder Cherkasov talks with Club de Madrid

“Club de Madrid can have a large impact by defending and supporting activists and political prisioners to revalue democratic values. The work of these organisations is extremely important nowadays”

Bachelet Calls for “Real and Effective Equality” on International Women’s Day

Michelle Bachelet calls for “real and effective equality” and sends a clear message: “Women’s freedom is unstoppable”