Club de Madrid Articles

Club de Madrid and ICSR convene 40 former presidents and 200 experts to build a global consensus on radicalization and violent extremism

  MADRID+10 THE GLOBAL POLICY DIALOGUE ON PREVENTING AND COUNTERING VIOLENT EXTREMISM #GlobalConsensus   250 high level experts and policy makers, including 40 Club de Madrid Members, all of them democratically elected former Prime Ministers and Presidents,...

‘Democracy is still missing’: op-ed by Freiberga, Ramos-Horta and Kok in the Hufftington Post

  Democracy is still the missing ingredient in the SGD's A set of renewed and enhanced Development Goals -- the post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) -- will be solemnly adopted by some 150 world leaders on 25-27 September at the UN Sustainable...

Wim Kok in Haiti: “Completing the electoral process with transparent, inclusive and securitized elections is of utmost importance for the country”

Haiti is currently facing two crucial challenges: a  complex and large-scale electoral process with presidential, legislative and local elections and the need to resume a comprehensive, long-term and constructive dialogue with the Dominican Republic. In this...

Democratic governance is the answer

One year after the launch of NGD, a first Policy Dialogue was held in Florence as well as four regional roundtables: the Broader MENA Roundtable in Dubai, the Wider Europe and Post-Soviet Eurasia Rountables in Stockholm and the Americas Roundtable in BogotĂ¡, with the...