Follow live from Monday at 1PM the ‘Democracy & Human Rights in Decline’? Policy Dialogue

The aim of this gathering is finding innovative ideas to foster democracy worldwide all over the world and revert the signs of the system’s decline.

Every session from the Policy dialogue will also be tweeted by the following accounts: @CLUBdeMADRID, @RFKCenter and @RFKEurope and the hashtag to follow the disccussions will be #NGD.

The webstreaming will start on Monday 24th  at 13.00 CET with the plenary session ‘Setting the Scene-The State of Democracy’. 

Have a look here to the list of confirmed participants (As of 18th of November) and the detailed program

General strcuture of the policy dialogue: 

Sunday 23rd

20.30 Journalist accreditation Robert F. Kennedy International House di Firenze, Via Ghibelina 12/A

21.00: Inaugural Dinner, “The future of democratic governance”.

Welcome remarks by:

Romano Prodiformer Prime Minister of Italy and Club de Madrid Member 

Vaira Vike-Freiberga: President of the Club de Madrid and former President of Latvia 

Dario Nardella: Mayor of Florence

Video Message:

Federica Mogherini, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy


Due to severe room limitations media will have to be previously accredited. Accreditations will be granted  in a first to come basis with a very restricted number of journalist


Monday 24th

12.00 Journalist accreditation

12.45 Press Conference at the European University Institute, Badia Fiesolona. Via Roccettini 9, San Domenico di Fiesole-Florence. Precise room to be confirmed


Vaira Vike Freiberga: President of the Club de Madrid and former President of Latvia

Jorge Fernando QuirogaVP of the Club de Madrid and former President of Bolivia

Santiago Cantón: Executive Director, Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights

Joseph Weiler: President of the European University Institute


13.15-15.30 Plenary sessions: “Setting the Scene-The State of Democracy” y “Next Generation Democracy-What, Why and How” Sala Reffetorio (live streaming)


From Monday 24th at 15.30 to Tuesday 25th at 12.00, five regional working groups on five regions Sub-Saharan Africa, Americas, Asia-Oceania, Wider Europe and Post Soviet Eurasia and Broader MENA will analyze the following subjects:

– Diagnosis: Projecting 2000-2015 democratic trends into 2015-2030

– Advancing Democratic Values and Transforming Institutions

– Advancing Democratic Policies and Management

– Advancing Access and Inclusiveness in Democracy

Tuesday 25th

12.00-13.30 Special Plenary Session (Live streaming)

Democracy, Human Rights and Foreign Policy, designed by the RFK Center for Justice and Human Rights

15.15-17.00 Plenary Session (Live streaming)

Next Generation Democracy for a Sustainable Future. Sponsored by Partnership for Change (PfC)

18.30-19.00 Closing Remarks (Live streaming)


Club de Madrid Members, (former democratically elected Presidents and PM’s); Vaira Vike-Freiberga (Latvia), Jorge Fernando Quiroga (Bolivia) Kjell M. Bondevik (Norway); Felipe Calderón (Mexico); Kim Campbell (Canada); Ricardo Lagos (Chile); John Kufuor (Ghana); Sadiq al Mahdi (Sudan); Olesegun Obasanjo (Nigeria);  George Papandreu (Greece)Roza Otunbayeva (Kyrgyzstan) or Jigme Yoser Tingley (Buthan) among others

ExpertsLarry Diamond from Stanford University and Professor JHH Weiler, President of the EUI; Roelf Meyer (former South African minister under F. W. De Klerk and Nelson Mandela and key facilitator of South Africa’s transition to democracy); Beatriz Merino (former Prime Minister of Peru); entrepreneurs and philanthropists like Mo Ibrahim and Steve Killelea, President of the Institute for Economics and PeaceGiovani Grevi (FRIDE), Ismael Serageldin, Director of the Library of Alexandria

International organizations: Bertelsmann Stiftung, UN, OECD, SEGIB, Community of Democracies, Human Rights Watch, OXFAM, Partnership for Change, The Carter Center, IDEA, FLACSO, Carnegie Middle East Center, Microsoft, Acxiom, Library of Alexandria.

 If you are interested in covering the 2014 Policy Dialogue or wish to request one to one interviews please visit and fill in the accreditation form in the Press Room Section.

Club de Madrid, Media Contacts:

Luis Pérez: +34 607 694 354 // + 34 91 154 82 38

Susana Mañueco: + 34 626 20 93 30 // + 34 91 154 82 36


RFKC Media Contacts: Europe: Valeria D’Agostino: + 39 055 5389250 // + 39 349 2210113, Jim Santel (US)