WYDE Civic Engagement

Network of Young Decision- makers

Part of Women and Youth in Democracy Initiative

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Online Policy Labs

The WYDE programme will offer young decision-makers the opportunity to meet with like-minded peers, receive direct support from older civil servants or elected officials and influence the global agenda through concerted and informed action.

Through the conception, design and implementation of Policy Labs, the cluster led by the Club de Madrid, will broker a series of policy discussions on key topics for the global youth. These policy dialogues offer a platform for discussing the most effective policy response to support stronger democracies, and the outcome of the dialogues is applied in global advocacy for maximum impact. The Policy Labs offer the perfect setting to explore the political feasibility of potential policy solutions to specific youth issues (or to other general issues seen from a youth perspective) so that young decision-makers can better grasp the implications of different policy proposals. Moreover, they will be able to count on the direct support of the Club de Madrid Members, veteran politicians who have been at the helm of their respective political systems and thus know the intricacies of policy-making.

Policy Discussion on youth political participation with Felipe Paullier

Activity from 04/03/2024 to 04/03/2024

Felipe Paullier, UN ASG for Youth Affairs, delivered opening remarks on the crucial role of the United Nations Youth Office

Online Policy Lab: Rethinking Social Development for People and Planet 4 September

This marks the starting point before the in-person Policy Lab in Brazil in November

First meeting of the Network of Young Decision-makers

Activity date: 06/15/2023

WYDE Civic Engagement Network of Young Decision-Makers brings together a group of exceptional young leaders under 36 years old who are active in politics and in decision-making bodies and who have already reached positions of influence from which they can advocate for greater youth political participation.