In 2022, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres brought together a group of 12 leading figures from the fields of politics, civil society, the private sector and academia to establish the High-Level Advisory Board on Effective Multilateralism (HLAB). This group was tasked with identifying concrete...
PolĂticas de Inteligencia Artificial (IA) para la innovaciĂ³n: de los principios a la prĂ¡ctica
Club de Madrid (CdM), con el apoyo de Amazon Web Services (AWS), organizĂ³ una conferencia para debatir sobre el papel de la Inteligencia Artificial (IA) en la vida pĂºblica y la cooperaciĂ³n entre paĂses democrĂ¡ticos el 24 de abril en la Sala Europa del Palacio del Senado de Madrid. La conferencia...
Nobel Peace Prize AlexĂ¡nder Cherkasov talks with Club de Madrid
“Club de Madrid can have a large impact by defending and supporting activists and political prisioners to revalue democratic values. The work of these organisations is extremely important nowadays”
Club de Madrid endorses Declaration on the Commemoration of The Seventy-Fifth Anniversary of the United Nations
‘The Future We Want, the UN We Need: Reaffirming our Collective Commitment to Multilateralism’.
Prime Minister Touré calls for a balanced approach to rebuilding global system to respond to pandemics
Dr. Aminata Touré, former Prime Minister of Senegal (2013-2014) and World Leadership Alliance-Club de Madrid (WLA-CdM)...
UN75 is our best chance to create a new dynamic for global cooperation
Our world is getting more complex. We face a myriad of problems in a rapidly changing reality. From climate change to...
An ‘Expert’s Meeting’ sets focus on multilateralism and global cooperation in times of COVID-19 in the upcoming Imperial Springs International Forum 2020
As every year, since Club de Madrid participates in the Imperial Springs International Forum (ISIF), a selected group...
Gordon Brown, Dalia Grybauskaite, Ivo Josipovic, Jean Claude Juncker and TabarĂ© VĂ¡zquez become Members of Club de Madrid
New Members bring experience in crisis management, public health, and democratic transitions
Live Session: Digital Technologies, Elections and Democracy in times of COVID-19
Politics has now caught up with digitalization, but policy is still lagging behind. How can we improve electoral governance in the COVID-19 era? How can we hold electoral processes in the COVID-19 era while maintaining political and electoral rights? Join us in this Online AIWS Roundtable and Club de Madrid Live Session in collaboration with the Boston Global Forum.
Live Session: Movilidad en tiempos de crisis – La pandemia del COVID-19 como oportunidad para repensar las migraciones en AmĂ©rica Latina
Access content in English below La crisis del COVID-19 afecta desproporcionadamente a los colectivos mĂ¡s vulnerables,...
Members join online summit to commemorate Nelson Mandela
On Nelson Mandela Day, Club de Madrid joined the Mandela Bridges World E-Summit to commemorate the legacy of the South...
Live Session: An Inclusive, Global Strategy to #LeaveNoOneBehind during and after COVID-19
As the UN Secretary General and Club de Madrid Member, AntĂ³nio Guterres put it, “we must tackle the devastating social...