The Member of Club de Madrid (CdM) and former Prime Minister of Romania (1989-1991), Petre Roman led a mission to Mongolia where he supported the integration of Persons With Disabilities (PWDs) in the job market. This mission, which took place between October 22nd and October 25th in Ulaanbaatar,...
Laura Chinchilla leads mission in Paraguay to support implementation of law on violence against women
Former President of Costa Rica, Laura Chinchilla, is in Paraguay to provide political impetus for the implementation of Law 5777/16, aimed at protecting women against all forms of violence. This mission is part of the INSPIRED+ project, implemented by Club de Madrid (CdM) ad co-financed by the EU,...
Laura Chinchilla, new Co-Chair of the Inter-American Dialogue
This is a communiqué by the Inter-American Dialogue on the appointment of Club de Madrid (CdM) Vice-President, Laura Chinchilla as Co-Chair of the organization: "The Inter-American Dialogue’s Board of Directors has just announced that at its meeting on October 30, 2018 it voted unanimously to...
Daw Aung San Suu Kyi welcomes Club de Madrid efforts in Myanmar
The Club de Madrid is undertaking its second high-level mission to Myanmar between 30 of May and 2 of June to identify...
Club de Madrid supporting the Sustainable Energy for All – African Hub Launch
During the event, Donald Kaberuka, President of the African Development Bank, made clear the message that energy is...
Members Mkapa and Mogae state that Africa needs to get green
In this session held thanks to the Energy, Environment and the Climate Change Department of the African Development...
African Development Bank and Club de Madrid agree to foster sustainable green growth
The Bank’s Annual Meetings have grown in size and complexity and the number of participants has increased to over...