Club de Madrid Articles

The UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon, keynote speaker at the Madrid+10 Policy Dialogue

The UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon, will be the keynote speaker of the closing session of the Madrid+10 Policy Dialogue on Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism. Ten years ago, another UN Secretary General, Kofi Annan, also participated in a Club de...

#GlobalConsensus, a new set of principles in the fight against violent extremism

Click here to see the preliminary list of participants and the tentative program. More than 250 high level experts and policy makers, including 40 Club de Madrid Members, all of them democratically elected former Prime Ministers and Presidents, are expected to sign...

Welcoming Cities – Keys for an anti-racist culture

The European Coalition of Cities against Racism is an initiative launched by UNESCO in 2004 to establish a network of cities interested in sharing experiences in order to improve their policies to fight racism, discrimination and xenophobia. On December...

Promoting Democracy Promotes Peace

The Club de Madrid wishes to congratulate Tunisian society as a whole, its political parties, civil society leaders, and all of those involved in this promising and inspiring process in a country that is laying the foundations for a democracy through dialogue and...