Serge Stroobants: “The only connection between terrorism and migration is that terrorism produces migration”

25 January, 2019

Club de Madrid joins the IEP and the INCIPE to present the Global Terrorism Index in Madrid.

Hollande, Johnson Sirleaf, Thorning-Schmidt, Touré and Elbegdorj become Members of Club de Madrid

18 January, 2019

Club de Madrid (CdM), the largest forum of democratically elected former Heads of State and Government, added 5 new Members to its already extensive list of leaders working for a democracy that delivers.

Club de Madrid Discusses Global Governance in China and Presents Conclusions to Xi Jinping

10 January, 2019

Forty Chinese and international experts joined the global leaders at Imperial Springs (Guangzhou) to reflect on China’s transformation in these 40 years of reform and opening-up.

Club de Madrid joins seminar to foster social and emotional learning in educational systems

21 December, 2018

The demand for social and emotional learning (SEL) skills is rising around the globe.

Club de Madrid at UN Intergovernmental Conference to Adopt the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration

21 December, 2018

CdM Members Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, Mary Robinson, Michelle Bachelet and Antonio Guterres, participated in various dialogues and side-events during the Intergovernmental Conference in Marrakech.

Vike-Freiberga urges all actors to have “commitment and belief” to implement Agenda 2030

19 December, 2018

The President of Club de Madrid reflected on the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals at the Doha Forum 2018.

Vaira Vike-Freiberga’s statement on the 2018 Imperial Springs International Forum

14 December, 2018

This is an official statement from Vaira Vike-Freiberga, President of Club de Madrid and former President of Latvia, on the 2018 Imperial Springs International Forum.

Imperial Springs International Forum: Final Statement

12 December, 2018

On the occasion of the watershed anniversary of China’s opening-up and reform, 40 prominent leaders from all over the globe gathered in Guangzhou on November 10-11th to lead the 2018 Imperial Springs International Forum (ISIF). The event focused on ‘Advancing Reform and Opening Up, Promoting Win-Win Cooperation’. The Vice-President of the People’s Republic in China, Wang Qishan, delivered a keynote address.

Open Letter to the G20: ‘We, not They’

30 November, 2018

We call on G20 leaders to:-Use respectful, tolerant and compassionate language to refer to refugees and migrants.

Laura Chinchilla gives impulse to fight against violence towards women in Paraguay

23 November, 2018

Minister at the Presidential Delivery Unit: “We will make progress in strategies to promote the integral protection and empowerment of women”.


The former President of Costa Rica and current Vice-President of CdM , Laura Chinchilla, advocated for the establishment of a coordinating body that integrates state institutions and civil society to monitor the implementation of Law 5777/16 to protect women against all forms of violence.

Club de Madrid presents its project ‘Leaders Telling a Different Story’ at Paris Peace Forum 2018

15 November, 2018

Club de Madrid (CdM) presented its project ‘Leaders Telling a Different Story’ at a stand organized by the EU Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development (EU-Devco) at the Paris Peace Forum 2018.

Club de Madrid supports the Paris Call for Trust and Security in Cyberspace

12 November, 2018

CdM is one of the early supporters among other civil society organizations, private companies and some States of the Paris Paris Call for Trust and Security in Cyberspace launched by President Emmanuel Macron on November 12th at the UNESCO IGF.

Elbegdorj advocates for rights of women working in agriculture in Pakistan

12 November, 2018

The former President of Mongolia voiced in front of the Governor of Punjab the recommendations form civil society representatives in improving socio-economic and labour rights of women working in agriculture in this Pakistani region. The mission is part of the INSPIRED+ project., which CdM implements.


Petre Roman raises awareness over economic rights of persons with disabilities in Mongolia

10 November, 2018

The former PM of Romania and Member of CdM advocated for policy measures crafted by civil society organizations before key Ministers and elected representatives.

Laura Chinchilla leads mission in Paraguay to support implementation of law on violence against women

8 November, 2018

Former President of Costa Rica and current Vice President of the CdM will meet civil society representatives and top government officials to mobilize political will around the implementation of Law 5777/16 to protect women against violence.

Laura Chinchilla, new Co-Chair of the Inter-American Dialogue

2 November, 2018

The former President of Costa Rica and Vice-President of CdM has just been nominated as Co-Chair of the Inter-American Dialogue. This organization is  a US center for policy analysis, exchange, and communication on Western Hemisphere affairs, dedicated to advancing a regional agenda of democratic governance, prosperity, and social equity.