Club de Madrid & Breathrough Media partners with the EU to improve counter-narrative responses

13 November, 2017

Former Prime Minister of Tunisia and Club de Madrid Member, Hamadi Jebali, and Joëlle Milquet, Special Advisor to the President of the European Commission on victims of Terrorism and former Belgian Deputy Prime Minister, will address the meeting, to be held in the Brussels Press Club Europe next Wednesday, 15th of November.

“Europe must think more seriously about its own investment and defence capability”, says Vike-Freiberga

10 November, 2017

Vaira Vike-Freiberga, president of Club de Madrid and former President of Latvia, was a speaker at the Warsaw Security Forum hold in November 8-9 in Poland.

Cardoso, González, Sanguinetti and Lagos, participants of the XVIII Foro Iberoamérica which starts today in Buenos Aires

3 November, 2017

Fernando Henrique Cardoso, former President of Brazil and the first world leader who presided CdM, will give the opening speech of the Forum. At the opening, the Secretary General of the OEA, Luis Almagro, will also speak. The event convenes every year former heads of State, intellectuals, business people and leaders from the region.

“Women are natural leaders”, says President Banda during a visit to New York University

2 October, 2017

On Friday September 22, President Joyce Banda (Malawi 2012-2013) participated in the closing session of the International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy held at New York University, NY. She focused her speech on education, health and domestic violence.

President Lagos warns that deepening social divisions are menacing democracies worldwide

2 October, 2017

Former President of Chile and Club de Madrid Member, Ricardo Lagos, has written an article in Argentina’s newspaper Clarin, where he is a regular contributor, reflecting on how to tackle what he perceives as one of the biggest challenges for democracies around the world: deep social divisions that are not finding an answer from current political leaders and elites.

Goodbye to Alfred Stepan, a historic member of Club de Madrid

28 September, 2017

Alfred Stepan, a renowned political scientist, died at the age of 81. He participated in the first Club de Madrid meeting in 2001, and was the contect coordinator of our Third General Assembly in 2004.The core materials discussed at the Assembly were gathered in a publication titled “Democracies in Danger”, with a conclusion writen by our Member and former president of Brazil (1995-2003), Fernando Henrique Cardoso.

UNSG Antonio Guterres to Club de Madrid: “United Nations looks forward to your support”

27 September, 2017

The United Nations Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, acknowledged Club de Madrid’s efforts to tackle the violent extremism threat and its focus on the link between security and development in a video sent to open a recent policy discussion on this matter. The event gathered six CdM Members and EU and UN leaders in the preventing and countering violent extremism field.

CdM Members, EU and UN leaders put the need for inclusive development at the center of PVE strategies

22 September, 2017

Six Club de Madrid Members, all of them democratically elected Presidents and Prime Ministers, along with top leaders from the European Union and the United Nations, addressed the gap between development and security in the field of preventing and countering violent extremism policies.

Club de Madrid Member, President Obasanjo, publishes its book “Making Africa Work”

18 September, 2017

Our Member and former President of Nigeria, Olusegun Obasanjo, publishes a book about Africa, its challenges and opportunities as a rapidly growing and changing region. The book is full of anecdotes from the authors during meetings with other world leaders and also presents success stories from other continents that serve as examples of good practices.

International Democracy Day: strengthening institutions, a key step towards democracy that delivers

15 September, 2017

International Democracy Day: strengthening institutions, a key step towards democracy that delivers

The nexus between counter terrorism, development and Agenda 2030 brings together CdM Members and decision makers from the EU and the UN

14 September, 2017

The nexus between counter terrorism, development and Agenda 2030 brings together CdM Members and decision makers from the EU and the UN

Club de Madrid stands with Barcelona

18 August, 2017

Yesterday, 13 people died and more than 80 were injured in a coward act in the city centre of Barcelona, where a van ran over citizens from more than twenty countries.

Rui Maria De Araujo & four Club de Madrid Members to participate in the NGD roundtable on the future of Democracy in Asia-Oceania

26 July, 2017

Rui Maria De Araujo & four CdM Members to participate in the NGD roundtable on the future of Democracy in Asia-Oceania

Acting President of Nigeria, Yemi Osinbayo: “There is no question that we need to develop counter-narratives”

24 July, 2017

Acting President of Nigeria, Yemi Obisanjo: “There is no question that we need to develop counter-narratives”

The Working Group on Sustainability and Shared Societies presents its output document at the UN

19 July, 2017

The Working Group on Sustainability and Shared Societies presents its output document at the UN

Members Mogae and Uteem discuss about PVE in Nigeria with country’s key stakeholders

18 July, 2017

Members Mogae and Uteem discuss about PVE in Nigeria with country’s key stakeholders