Club de Madrid Articles

Live Session: An Inclusive, Global Strategy to #LeaveNoOneBehind during and after COVID-19

As the UN Secretary General and Club de Madrid Member, António Guterres put it, “we must tackle the devastating social and economic dimensions of this crisis, with a focus on the most affected”. Traditionally marginalised and vulnerable social groups cannot be left...

Jan Peter Balkenende: Against the current for the Common Good

The corona crisis apparently reinforces the role of the nation state, of the government and the hard struggle between the United States and China, which put their own interests above the multilateral world order. Yet a different agenda is needed now, says former Prime...

Live Session: Inclusive Governance to #LeaveNoOneBehind during and after COVID-19

The Live Session has ended. Watch a replay below! Historically marginalized and vulnerable identity groups must not be left outside of public health efforts or the pandemic will continue to spread. At the same time, economic programmes that address the economic...

José Manuel Ramos-Horta becomes new Chairperson of World Movement for Democracy Steering Committee

The former President of East Timor and Club de Madrid Member, José Manuel Ramos-Horta has just been elected Chairperson of the World Movement’s Democracy Steering Committee.  World Movement Democracy is a group of 30 individuals supported by the National...
Global Learning on Democratic Innovation: A Webinars Series

Global Learning on Democratic Innovation: A Webinars Series

Club de Madrid, Public Agenda and Participedia will hold a series of seminars aimed at bringing to American reformers, thought leaders, policy-makers and civil society organisations examples of innovative approaches that have helped strengthen democracy in other countries. WEBINAR 4: Big trends in...

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Danilo Türk speaks on global change at 2021 Boao Forum

Danilo Türk speaks on global change at 2021 Boao Forum

Danilo Türk, President of Club de Madrid and former President of Slovenia, gave an opening statement at the 2021 Boao Forum on the need to address global challenges collectively in the framework of the United Nations and other international organisations. Watch below the opening statement....

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