CdM condemns yesterdays’ terror attacks against churches and hotels in Sri Lanka.

CdM condemns yesterdays’ terror attacks against churches and hotels in Sri Lanka.
Members of the Board of Directors of Club de Madrid (CdM) led the Roundtable ‘Trust in Democracy’ held in London on 28th March to analyze the links between low trust in democratic institutions and the regulation of information online.
I join all peace loving Sri Lankans to condemn unreservedly the dastardly acts of violence that occurred since this morning in several leading Christian churches all over the country and in Hotels in Colombo. My heartfelt sympathies go out to the families of those who lost lives, even while they...
“We, the under-signed, Oscar Arias Sánchez, Fernando Henrique Cardoso, Ricardo Lagos and Alejandro Toledo, have agreed...
We, the undersigned members of the Club de Madrid, a body comprised of democratically elected former Prime Ministers...
It was part of the Open Working Group Sessions to define the roadmap for the Post-2015 Agenda, where we tried to...
The session was co-organised by the Shared Societies Project of the Club de Madrid and the Social Policy and...
The economic impact of violence has surpassed the combined GDPs of Japan and Germany. According to the latest report...
The Members of the Club de Madrid are engaged to measurement and quantification of Challenges; Democracy, Equity,...
The democratic rights of the Ukrainian citizens must be respected, including freedom of assembly and expression, as...
The first mission of the Club de Madrid is taking place this week in Haiti February 18th and 21st 2014. The delegation...
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