Club de Madrid Articles

“Women are natural leaders”, says President Banda during a visit to New York University

“I’ve spent all my life fighting for the rights of women and girls. My mission in life is to assist women and girls in gaining social empowerment”, she stated during this symposium held parallel to the 72nd session of the UN general assembly. President Banda focused...

President Lagos warns that deepening social divisions are menacing democracies worldwide

Mr. Lagos thinks that the progressive parties and leaders must take the lead to find those answers and put the focus on one word, solidarity, and one strategy, leaving no one behind and making sure that the benefits of progress reach every individual and every social...

UNSG Antonio Guterres to Club de Madrid: “United Nations looks forward to your support”

The event was co-organized by the World Leadership Alliance - Club de Madrid and the European Commission. The former brough into the discussion the political experience and regional knowledge from its Members, Joyce Banda (Malawi), Hamadi Jebali (Tunisia), Mary...

CdM Members, EU and UN leaders put the need for inclusive development at the center of PVE strategies

The debate, attended by around 100 participants was held on Tuesday 19th in the margins of the 72th UN General Assembly. The event was co-organized by the World Leadership Alliance - Club de Madrid and the European Commission. The former brought into the discussion...