Club de Madrid offers condolences to Polish Government, People and Members Suchocka and Mazowiecki

12 April, 2010

Club de Madrid offers condolences to Polish Government, People and Members Suchocka and Mazowiecki.

II European Roma Summit: Calling for Political Will for Roma Inclusion

11 April, 2010

II European Roma Summit: Calling for Political Will for Roma Inclusion

Club de Madrid at the V International Meeting Spain-Africa “Women for a Better World”

29 March, 2010

Club de Madrid at the V International Meeting Spain-Africa “Women for a Better World”.

Panel on Climate Change Forum in Brussels

28 March, 2010

Panel on Climate Change Forum in Brussels

Seminar “The Route to Mexico: Challenges and Opportunities for a Global Agreement”

21 March, 2010

Seminar “The Route to Mexico: Challenges and Opportunities for a Global Agreement”

What your Leaders do Matters: Demand Action in Favour of Social Inclusion

18 March, 2010

What your Leaders do Matters: Demand Action in Favour of Social Inclusion

Forum on Social Diplomacy in Transmediterranean Relations

12 March, 2010

Forum on Social Diplomacy in Transmediterranean Relations

Tackling the Challenges for Women’s Participation in the Horn of Africa Electoral Processes

2 March, 2010

Tackling the Challenges for Women’s Participation in the Horn of Africa Electoral Processes

Program Director of Club de Madrid to take post in the Obama Administration as USAID Chief of Staff

25 February, 2010

Program Director of Club de Madrid to take post in the Obama Administration as USAID Chief of Staff.

Madrid Shows Commitment to Promote Social Inclusion

18 February, 2010

Madrid Shows Commitment to Promote Social Inclusion

Club de Madrid Work on Shared Societies Resonates with UN Panel

17 February, 2010

Club de Madrid work on Shared Societies Resonates with UN Panel.

Club de Madrid in Copenhagen

18 December, 2009

Club de Madrid in Copenhagen

Working for Women’s Participation in Conflict Resolution in Djibouti

10 December, 2009

Working for Women’s Participation in Conflict Resolution in Djibouti

The role of Women in Politics in Yemen

9 December, 2009

The role of Women in Politics in Yemen

Wim Kok, New President of Club de Madrid

30 November, 2009

Wim Kok, New President of Club de Madrid

2009 Annual Conference of Club de Madrid

26 November, 2009

2009 Annual Conference of Club de Madrid