Democracy and Democratic Governance

Democracy and Democratic Governance (DDG) is a multi-stakeholder process on the state and future of democracy led by the Club de Madrid.

The overall aim of DDG is to better enable democracy to meet the expectations and needs of all citizens and preserve their freedom and dignity while securing a sustainable future for generations to come.

DDG facilitates a discussion on the state and future of democracy in order to formulate regional agendas, as well as a global agenda, aimed at reversing disquieting trends and advance democracy worldwide. The project progressively offers a comprehensive analysis of regional dynamics in democratic governance, a projection of relevant trends, and a compilation of good practice and transformative ideas to be discussed in a series of policy dialogues. This will help generate collective responses, rather than fragmented and independent actions, and shape consensus around shared, forward-looking, action-oriented agendas.

DDG will also facilitate a cross-learning exercise among regions in order to fine-tune proposals to advance democracy. Those elements referring to trends and actions transcending regions, as well as those considered effective to advance democracy at the global level and through global action, will be incorporated into the DDG Global Agenda.
The Bertelsmann Stiftung and International IDEA are global partners of the DDG process.

Towards NGD Regional Agendas
The discussion and the drafting of DDG Regional Agendas are led by CdM Members from the respective region. A series of regional roundtables around the globe, which counted with the participation of experts and regional stakeholders, helped identify key elements for the corresponding Agendas.

Regional Roundtables took place in Stockholm (Sweden), Dubai (UAE), Bogota (Colombia), Dakar (Senegal) and Dili (Timor Leste).

For a glimpse of this process, see the following video and publications:


Digitalisation and Good Governance

Club de Madrid and the Boston Global Forum held a series of discussions and a Policy Lab to address further questions related to tech governance. This ongoing collaboration focuses on how digital technologies and AI are creating new opportunities for the enjoyment of human rights, as well as new threats to their protection.

Gender Equality

Club de Madrid builds on our past engagement in support of women’s political empowerment in regions like Middle East, the Horn of Africa, or Latin America to add our voice to the growing call for gender equality in politics worldwide.

Global Commission on Democracy and Emergencies

COVID-19 erupted in the context of a crisis of democracy long in the making.

Information Integrity and the Future of Democracy

As citizens turn to their phones and tablets to get their news, information distributed through social media and online outlets becomes increasingly influential in configuring political perceptions.

Peer-to-Peer Leadership Support

Political leaders around the world rely on their own resources – their political abilities, their networks and their creativity – to meet the challenges of democracy, governance and inclusion.

Last publications

Club de Madrid convened a Global Commission on Democracy and Emergencies to analyze different responses to the COVID-19 crisis and offer recommendations to improve democracy’s capacity to function, deliver, be trusted and come out of an emergency unscathed. Executive Summary in Spanish.

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Club de Madrid convened a Global Commission on Democracy and Emergencies to analyze different responses to the COVID-19 crisis and offer recommendations to improve democracy’s capacity to function, deliver, be trusted and come out of an emergency unscathed. Executive Summary in French.

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Club de Madrid convened a Global Commission on Democracy and Emergencies to analyze different responses to the COVID-19 crisis and offer recommendations to improve democracy’s capacity to function, deliver, be trusted and come out of an emergency unscathed. Executive Summary in English.

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The paper ‘Mechanisms of Democracy and Fundamental Rights’ was led by International IDEA as part of Club de Madrid’s Global Commission on Democracy and Emergencies Working Group 1.

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Club de Madrid convened a Global Commission on Democracy and Emergencies to analyze different responses to the COVID-19 crisis and offer recommendations to improve democracy’s capacity to function, deliver, be trusted and come out of an emergency unscathed.

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The paper ‘Effective Leadership and Democratic Culture’ was led by Edelman as part of Club de Madrid’s Global Commission on Democracy and Emergencies Working Group 3.

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The paper ‘Responding with equality’ was led by Oxfam as part of Club de Madrid’s Global Commission on Democracy and Emergencies Working Group 2.

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This document results from the Global Governance for Information Integrity Roundtable held in September 2018

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Closed Projects

INSPIRED+ Completed

Integrated Support Program for Inclusive Reform and Democratic Dialogue Supporting local actors in nine different countries in identifying, analysing and monitoring those domestic policies that hinder the full implementation of the UN and ILO conventions.