Club de Madrid (CdM) presented its project ‘Leaders Telling a Different Story’ at a stand organized by the EU Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development (EU-Devco) at the Paris Peace Forum 2018.

Club de Madrid (CdM) presented its project ‘Leaders Telling a Different Story’ at a stand organized by the EU Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development (EU-Devco) at the Paris Peace Forum 2018.
The Paris Call for Trust and Security in Cyberspace: "Cyberspace now plays a crucial role in every aspect of our lives and it is the shared responsibility of a wide variety of actors, in their respective roles, to improve trust, security and stability in cyberspace. We reaffirm our support to an...
Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj, former President of Mongolia and member of Club de Madrid (CdM), led a mission to Lahore (Pakistan) on October 30th and 31st to advocate for the improvement of labour rights for women working in Punjab’s agricultural sector. Elbegdorj, who was also a Prime Minister in...
Prime Minister of Ireland John Bruton and Presidents of Spain Felipe González and José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, all...
During the last two days they have discussed different key issues related to the current process towards democracy as...
Under the name “The Relevance of Transparency, Accountability, and Participation Since the Arab Spring” the...
They are representatives of Libyan civil society (political parties, electoral commissions or city council...
La delegación libia la componen 12 representantes de la sociedad civil (partidos políticos, comisiones electorales o...
They are representatives of Libyan civil society (political parties, electoral commissions or city council...
The World Leadership Alliance was launched late last year by its President, Former Prime Minister of...
“Libya has the historic opportunity to become a model for an Arab country that demonstrates that its national and...
With these meetings, the three leaders seek to support the reconciliation of the North African country’s democratic...